Supernatural in relation to the Bible?

For as long as I can remember the show has had a good link to the Bible. Now how true this stems I have never been 100% sure on those facts. Whether the writers remained loyal to this transcript or made up their own version. Some fans say that the show follows the Old Testament and others related to the New Testament. Is there a strong case that the show was half and half? Could it in fact work a bit of magic from both testaments? Was Eric as close as he could be with biblical facts, or did he cheat a little and create his own but keeping as much as he could to those religious guidelines.

The bible is after all a factual account and dictated by God. So would Eric have had to have been pretty close in his writing, and researching skills? As some fans have mentioned in the past did he actually wing it on occasion? For example it’s a fantasy type genre show, so would it have really bothered him if it wasn’t penned exactly to the Bible? And just took his own imagination on board and flown with this knowledge? One question that fascinates me all through the first five years was Eric a religious man himself?  Did he all along want to steer the show in a religious direction? As Revolution his knew show is not religiously themed at all. So why was Supernatural based on religion? Yes demons have a connection with hell, so does the bible. Angels are in heaven, and Eric didn’t really want to involve the angels and from what I have heard he hated the idea of even bringing them on board. So would the show have succeeded without the angel’s presence? Did it enhance the overall feel, and create a new image for the show. So could the show run just talking about demons without any religious feel to the show? Would it have survived if it wasn’t a huge part of the mythology? After all the mythology is a massive chunk of the shows history. So was the religious side of the show is partly what made the show attractive. It may have been the relationship for many, but did religion hold that key. Did it make or break it?

So how do you feel about the mythology side of the shows story telling? Do you think it remains true to the original manuscript, or is a fake representation. Could the show have succeeded without the introduction of the angels, considering the brothers think they are dicks with wings? Would enjoy understanding your feelings about religion on our favorite show, any thoughts  …. 

8 replies to “Supernatural in relation to the Bible?

  1. Do folks that watch Supernatural believe the show is correct about The Trinity, Christainity and Judaism, the Bible and God? Perhaps the answer is, what does the fan know about the Bible other than Supernatural? The Bible is used as a template to write stores becoming American Myth. Accurate concerning the Bible? About one half of one percent.


    1. It took me a while to get my head around that the writers used the bible as a template. I was under the impression that the bible was inspiration to platform their own stories. They need to research their own material, so one is to assume they base some of it on real stories too. I don’t know very much about the bible as I am not a religious person. Interesting thoughts though.

      B xxx


  2. There’s a lot of things in supernatural that are in the Bible and some aren’t. But the things that aren’t can be found in the lost books of the Bible that the Roman Empire felt wasnt necessary or there wasn’t enough evidence to be proven authentic to be put on the Bible.


  3. I think that Kripke used the Bible as source material to invoke dialogue and debate about religion. His version of Heaven during season 5 is closely aligned to Islamic beliefs. He used other religions in Hammer of the Gods to show that everything is not about the Judea-Christian belief system. Also, during season 6, when Sam was conversing with the fairy about getting his soul back, the fairy quipped that Lucifer wasn’t his devil so he could get in the cage to retrieve Sam’s soul. Good and evil are universal themes no matter what religion. The fact that Dean is anti-religious probably speaks to Kripke’s beliefs as well. Since God’s angels have shown little more than contempt towards the “hairless apes” and that God left these same angels to watch over earth and mankind speaks volumes as to Kripke’s mindset.
    I’m picking up on this a lot more now, thanks! I guess when any author begins a novel they research their background material first. So that it looks fool proof. So you think that Eric isn’t a religious man? Would that have made it easier or harder for him to write this story?
    Good points, thanks.

    Thanks for the comments,
    Love Aunty B xxxx


    1. Hmmm……If I am correct, Kripke’s lack of religious conviction probably made it very easy to write the stories without becoming preachy. While I also believe that Kripke is probably very spiritual (hence good almost always triumphing over evil in the show) I think of Sam and Dean as modern day Apostles for the word of God. The Monster at the End of This Book pretty much said that with the Supernatural books destined to become the Winchester Gospel. Sam and Dean live what the word commands which is to resist evil and love your fellow man. These men have sacrificed their entire lives for the sole purpose of protecting others from monsters and demonic forces without forcing their opinions on how others should live their lives. Religion tends to make folk self righteous being more concerned with correcting the sins of others instead of living the Word of God.
      I would like to think he’s a spiritual man by the way he writes, and gets his story across. He’s very imaginative in his plots and the way he came to the end of the five year arc. I would have hated that particular ending. I can see now why its soruce material and where he based his idea’s. But I still like to think it does have a religious feel.

      When the angels were introduced during season 4, they represented the religious zealots that would rather burn up the world for their own selfish needs instead of following God’s commands. Sam and Dean did what they could to avert the angelic apocalypse but had to sacrifice Sam to prevent the end of the world, similar to the crucifixion of Christ to save mankind from sin. This is the beauty of SPN. At first glance, it is a good story about two hot guys that fight evil. Upon closer inspection, it is THE story about God, love, sacrifice, responsibility and acceptance. That is why I am totally enamored with this show. Every time I re-watch an episode, I see something I did not see before. SPN is that rare entity; a show that actually makes one scratch beneath the surface to find the real treasure.
      Oh gosh the angels did not like us humans… I was suprised why they turned to Sam and Dean for vessels, but guess they had know other choice. Its a great story as you I find re-watching so important as you do forget, I know my memory is not as good as it was, and I find I pick up more the more I watch also. I love how deep the context of the story is, and how far its gone in terms of family and sacrifice what they would do for each other, until of course Sam not looking for Dean. But there is something very speical about it. I think Jeremy is getting back to its roots, were as Sera I think lost her way a bit. I need an arc to keep me going and entertained.

      Barb, thank you so much for engaging in this kind of conversation. I really appreciate the time that you take to respond and for this blog in general. See you during Season 9!
      I love how you all get on, and help each other out 🙂

      Thanks for the comments,
      Love Aunty B xxxx


      1. Also, I am not trying to be inconsistent with my original premise. Seasons 4 & 5 set up Kripke’s version of God being absent from heaven. Joshua established that God was on earth and chose not to interfere with what the angels and demons were planning. However, the greatest gift God gave to man was free will. Man is free to do and think whatever he chooses; to create his own world. This sounds similar to New Thought or Universal Mind churches. Kripke may go to church every Sunday or he may be agnostic or somewhere in between. What I do know is that he created a universe that I hope lasts another 10 years!
        Not sure if it will reach another 10 years as I think they are running out of stories and re-hashing old plots with a twist. But would love another two or three years at a push. It depends on the stories and how the boys feel, if they want to go on. I think the earlier arc’s were much more thought out and detailed. I loved the concept of Team Free Will and miss those days.

        Thanks for the comments,
        Love Aunty B xxxx


  4. Per the research I have done on my own over the years, angels are God’s warriors not the cherubic images used for valentines and statues. Angels in both old and new testament often bring messages from God but also bring his wrath in the form of destruction in the Old Testament. Much of the New Testaments Revelations is a repeat of the Old Testaments Prophets who predicted the end of times. I do not think of SPN as a religious show, but a show about the adventures of the Winchesters. In the beginning, there were two brothers. The premise was to be about hunting monsters of the week, as we saw in the first year and the arc was to be about whether Sam became demonic or was saved.. However, it is my understanding that the chemistry between Jared and Jensen was so naturally brotherly that the focus became the Winchesters and the MOTW became the back drop for their relationship. There are tons of biblical parallels- why not- it’s great source material. To keep the show fresh, it moved beyond the MOTW and the demon arc expanded and well if you have demons, then angels must exist. Kripke had a 5 year arc ending with Swan Song, so these additional years had to be creative. There is no great story of Leviathan (yes it is mentioned as a great beast in the Bible) in the Bible as portrayed in SPN, so writers take source material and get creative. That is what writers do. I allow myself to see the religious allusions, but do not watch SPN for that reason. Just sayin’
    I got the lore too about angels being warriors! So the whole atmosphere of churches, demons, hell, heaven, purgatory, angels, archangels, prophets of the lord, Metatron and so forth we look upon as monsters. So are we to think that this is not connected to religion? Even in the finale we had the confession box, the consecrated ground, the rituals and Latin readings. The words from God on the tablets that a prophet deciphered. I always felt it had a religious tone to the show, even Sam prayed to god and looked up to the angels. So I guess you are saying all the above is a parallel to the bible and source material for our creator. So most of what Eric has penned is from his own imagination?

    Thanks for the comments,
    Love Aunty B xxxx


  5. i don’t think of Supernatural as a religious show at all. There were no angels in the first three seasons, and for some fans those are the best. For me, the angels story line was just an expansion of the monster of the week into a larger story arc because the angels aren’t benign. Most of them are monsters who are out to get Sam and Dean. And God is simply absent. The anti-Christ wanted nothing to do with any of it. So, no, I think that Judeo-Christian myth is just that in the show. It’s just another myth — and one they don’t get raked over the coals for using — that is utilized to explore the journey the protagonists are on.
    You may actually have a point there, as I hadn’t thought of it this way before. But I just assumed everything revolved around the bible, such as demons, angels, Death and the horsemen, and other biblical creatures. But then where does the mythology side of the show come from. Eric’s ideas must have been based on biblical characters?

    Thanks for the comments,
    Love Aunty B xxxx


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