Why was Sam such a prick?

I can’t believe I didn’t think of this sooner, but something bugged me about this episode and that was when Crowley decides that he can’t handle Dean and gives him back to Moose. Then Moose the twat hands the blade back to Crowley. Why oh why did Sam not dispose of it himself, or even ask Cas to deposit it. Why the hell did he give it back to the damned devil who started all this mess off in the first place. I thought that Sam had so much more damned sense. Was this a wise thing to have done considering?

Usually I am so proud of Sam, but this really peed me off that he would trust Crowley after everything when he said himself in the bunker dungeon, you got him into this mess, you can damned well get him out.’ Sam wants to gank him for what he’s put Dean through then all of a sudden he appears on best terms with the man, who clearly can’t be trusted. The Mark of Cain still lingers on Dean, and that is going to surface again later down the line. Who’s to say that Crowley will dispose of the blade, or keep it close by so he can entrap Dean later on again. I don’t know what the writers were trying to prove with that scene considering how much we all know Sam hates Crowley. How can he even breath the same air as the man.

What did you think of this move from Sam? Do you think it was the right move? Would Cas have been a better more responsible move knowing of Crowley’s one upmanship to lure Dean into this trap in the first place?

31 replies to “Why was Sam such a prick?

  1. Hi Bella,
    I have a new post up. It was inspired by my response to one of your questions here. It’s my very first Supernatural essay, so please, everyone, stop in and let me know what you think.

    I will, I haven’t had much spare time lately been really busy teaching my sugarcraft now. Getting stuff made and having to do write-ups. I promise I will take a look. Ikeke I am so very proud of you. Go Girl!!

    Love Aunty B xxxxx


    1. “Hi Bella,
      I have a new post up. It was inspired by my response to one of your questions here. It’s my very first Supernatural essay, so please, everyone, stop in and let me know what you think.”
      Everyone should read it-its wonderful!”


    2. Can anyone tell me why Jared P. is so thin now? It is painful watching him. He used to be buff and strong looking and now his clothes don’t even fit. Is he sick? His face is all drawn in, skin looks horrible and pale, and he has lost his chunky monkey mojo… please advise.
      He had a wrestling accident with Oscric Chau at a convention, and hit his shoulder on a table he has apparently since had an operation on his shoulder to help a broken bone. At first it was thought it was just dislocated but with further x-rays proved it was more. Which is why his arm was in a sling. He does look under weight still which is worrying, I must admit.

      Love Aunty B xxxxx


      1. I heard that he just had surgery on his shoulder. It’s the real reason Sam has his arm in a sling. They just worked the injury into the show by saying Sam had been injured. If he’s recovering from surgery he probably wouldn’t be able to work out the way he used to just to keep buff. He was probably advised against it, in fact. If you’re used to working out really hard on a lean diet (which is what it takes to look that way) and you stop suddenly, the buffness fades pretty fast. You’re pretty much left with a lean diet and so you end up just looking thin. ( I watched this happen to my brother after his surgery. It took him a while to bulk back up again.)
        I bet that really knocked it out of him because someone said in a thread today that they were at the convention when it happened and Jared has spent the night in the hospital and didn’t want meds that would make him drowsy. Then the next day he was back signing and doing photo ops. He really is a trooper he’s not wearing the sling next episode so that’s a good story. By now in real time when you look at the convention videos he looks much happier, and he’s putting on weight again.

        Love Aunty B xxxxx


      2. Jared had surgery on his shoulder. He was not able to work out. He lost muscle mass. He therefore looks thin in the first few episodes. He looked healthier at the TorontoCon.


        1. I also think the painkillers they give you take away your appetite (I had shoulder surgery so I know!) so that plus the not working out….Jensen at this point is more muscular than Jared!
          Again barb I agree. 😉

          Love Aunty B xxxxx


          1. They need to bulk him up some and get the spray tan back on. He’s lost his beefcake persona for sure which is one main reason why we LOVE him…
            Give him another six months or so, and he will be on the way.

            Love Aunty B xxxxx


            1. He also reflected his condition as Sam- straight out determination and worry to find Dean, It added to the performance. Nice to know there is more to the man than good looks and muscle mass;)


          2. Yes. Those pain killers do a number on the body.

              I’ve been on pain killers for my back for the last three years, and boy do they make you drowsy. I find it hard to concentrate and digest stuff like I did. I have been cut down as I was on 900 MG 3 times a day now down to twice a day. I hate taking drugs long term. The drug I’m on is treated for epileptics and my head is often mussy 😦

              Love Aunty B xxxxx


    3. I saw the clip and yeah, I got feels, but I still very much got the impression that DD was saying those things in order to get Sam to lose his temper and kill him maybe. Actually, what he says isn’t that shocking. Its the usual demon truths and lies aimed right at a person’s weakest spots, designed to get a rise out of the person. Every demon I’ve ever seen on this show does this. It’s like they have this pathological compulsion to be a**holes. They really can’t seem to help themselves. Just go back and watch. In every instance where you see a captured demon, every single one of them acts just like that from the lowest to the most powerful of them. Oh and Bella, liking the new look. this is warmer and more soothing.
      Maybe, but Demons are naturally like this anyway, aren’t they. Look at Meg when she possessed Sam. I know that’s possession and Dean isn’t possessed, is he? But I thought it would be a natural scene as demons love to aggravate their hostage taker. Otherwise the whole scene would be as boring as hell, and they need the actors to be doing something worth while on screen. So horrible demon Dean has to earn his crust and say nasty things to Sam. Its just part of the course. I’ve still not seen it yet, but the board has mixed feelings considering who wrote it. Glad you like the look of the website, I thought it needed a face-lift after two years!

      Love Aunty B xxx


      1. Yeah, it’s the reason I didn’t put too much stock in whatever he said during his cure. I also think it may not have been working as well as he wanted it to. He was kind of fishing around for something to hurt Sam with at first and then he finally hit on the “we’re a messed up family”, angle and struck a nerve there. It was interesting watching Sam defending their family. He hasn’t always spoken his feelings about this, and when he has, its sometimes been very negative, so I was surprised he said the things he said. I think what Dean said hurt him because he’s still feeling a certain amount of guilt about what he said to Dean last season,
        I think they were both amazing, and Dean had to be seen to be giving Sam some dirt considering that’s what demons do. Dean had to find something that would prick a nerve with Sam, and by god he knew where to punch. I had a feeling in the Purge that this would come back and bite and I was right. One brother said one thing, and the other bats it back. The Purge words were set up for this I am sure. 😉

        Ikeke By the way, I love your photo in your Avatar and that I have after two years, seen the real you. Wow!!

        Love Aunty B xxxxx


    4. It was the price Sam had to pay to get Crowley to give up Dean’s location. It is the only way Crowley can secure his own safety from Dean. He realizes he cannot control Dean and the threat of access to the blade is too great, thus it is the price Sam must pay. The Winchesters are men of their word, so Sam handed the weapon over. It does not solve Dean’s MoC issue but it takes the nuke out of the reactor. Sam took the deal. He was able to over power Dean and get the cuffs on him, so at least there is a chance to cure Dean. Sam’s got the recipe and the means to do it or die trying. Winchester’s are just programmed that way. It was the best deal he could make but he does point out that it doesn’t square things between him and Crowley. I support Sam’s choice to hand over the blade.
      This was what I thought, just because the blade is out of the way, the whole story isn’t over yet. Its not that cut and dried. I support why he did it, but just the fact that its Crowley he turned too, got up my nose. The one who had caused all this upset, who’d tricked and manipulated Dean just like Ruby did with Sam and Crowley still has almost the last word.

      Love Aunty B xxxx


      1. ” i support Sam’s choice to hand over the blade.”
        So do I. The farther from Dean the better

        Just a thought why couldn’t Sam have turned to Cain. I know the actor is busy, but couldn’t this have been a better alternative?

        Love Aunty B xxxx


        1. Sam does scare me though as what the hell else has he done in order to find his brother? Good writing. Episode 2 was so much more intense than the premiere. Episode 3 is the one JA directed and it looks awesome as well. Not going to stay demon for long and in a way that allows for an arc to begin outside of the darkeyes. But hasn’t the hair change and slight change in makeup which gives Dean almost a waxy look add to the brilliance of the performance in just the right way? And the rest of the cast was just as delicious as ever if not even better.
          I think the writing has been very strong too. Tough words have made Dean all the more scarier, which what was needed. If that clip from Comic-con from the summer was anything to go by we are in for an amazing ride. Jensen is becoming well seasoned at directing now, this is his fourth outing. The make-up has been really impressive remember how sad and in pain Sam looked after Cole had duffed him up. His eyes were so realistic.

          Love Aunty B xxxx


    5. I agree with Southeast’s observations. Only thing I want to add is that if Crowley thinks that Dean will give the Mark to another “First Born” sometime in the future, Crowley will be able to control that demon better than he could Dean. I think Crowley knows that Deanmon is a lost cause and may challenge him for the King of Hell title one day. The fact that Deanmon has no fear of Crowley (similar to Abbadon) plus bears the MoC must have Crowley reevaluating Dean’s usefulness. Yeah, Deanmon is scary and I would not want to tangle with him at all. Sammy may have to go dark side just to keep up! And I fell in love with SPN all over again! This season feels like a winner straight out the gate!
      I get what your saying, but it just like Sam has given it to the worst person he could give the blade back too. Dean was too much for Crowley to handle, and I guessed that before it happened on screen that it would be. Dean is very scary, and that Crowley was out of his depth and he knew it. I bet it took a lot for him to call Sam to get his creation of his own hands. I just hope Crowley forgets where he’s hidden the blade and its never located. Should Dean have killed Magnus, maybe it might have been better in his hands. Although maybe not since he needs Dean as they come as a pair. What a problem that must have been.

      Love Aunty B xxxx


      1. I’m not completely feeling the love yet but I’m alright with it so far. Its only been two episodes and while this weeks epi. was better than the premiere, I’m still not feeling it yet. By the fifth episode, I think I will have gotten a pretty good vibe for the season and be feeling a bit more love. I am still very excited to see the guys again, though and the story line isn’t bothering me at all. Cas’ story line was much better this week and it’s interesting watching this relationship develop between him and Hannah and it makes me wonder if Hannah will be willing to sacrifice her grace to Cas to keep him alive because I can see she really cares for him. After all she was willing to make a deal with a known backstabber, Metatron, to save him. I know she’s willing to kill for him but will she die for him too? I find myself liking her clueless a** regardless though.
        I’m liking it, its a very strong second episode with plenty of story to capture me. Last weeks was slow, but I had read it would be a slow burner and needed to see its momentum unfold. Which it is doing. I have heard this story too, and have heard different stories too. Some say Metatron might kill her. A lot don’t like Hannah they think she is bossy and telling Cas what to do when he doesn’t want to do it, like lead heaven. He’s killed an angel to save her which he didn’t want to do. I find the angel story line so damned un captivating, its so boring and spoils the rest of the plots. I think they need to do something different and re-invent the angels. They are so boring. I also think this was another moan, that they are writing Hannah and Cas as a love story which a number don’t want to see after Amelia turned flat. Which is true. I like the actress but a number think she has her own agenda.

        Love Aunty B xxxx


    6. Where was Sam suppose to put the Blade where Dean could not force him to tell and searching out the thing. Now, Sam does not know the blade’s location, and cannot tell his brother. Even if Sam threw it in the ocean or dropped the Blade in a volcano it would not matter to Dean, he would struggle to find the thing until it killed him, and would probably be reanimated to start the sorry process all over again as long as he has the Mark. Now, maybe, Sam has time to work with his brother, or due to Crowley’s cunning, have the influence of the Blade weakened.
      I get this, I am not moaning about this fact. I am simply pointing out why did Sam give it back to Crowley who could do more harm again with it in the future. Cain chucked it in the ocean so far down where it would be difficult and even he didn’t know of its exact location. Its like feeding the devil what goes around, comes around. If he had disposed of it himself, that wouldn’t have bothered me in the least. It was just giving it back to Crowley who’d caused all this grief in the first place. Sam hates Crowley.

      I vote for the dark side of the moon, or on an asteroid spinning about in the asteroid belt. Hell would not do since Dean is treating the Underworld like a vocation home. Of course, as Sam knows, Crowley will double-cross them as soon as it is to the King’s advantage. Currently, it is in Crowley’s favor to return things to the status quo, even if the King is still teen love sick. Never again will Crowley forget he is dealing with a Winchester. After a decade of episodes, I have never been as plain scared and spooked as I was watching Demon Dean tell Sam with such glee and matter-a-factly pleasure, what he was going to do to his brother, and oh so enjoy it. Seeing Sam glance up to look in the rear view mirror of the Impala at his brother who was magically handcuffed in the back seat, I realized I wasn’t the only one feeling this way. COLD PARALYZING FEAR. Under no circumstances would I want to be in the same town, room or in eye contact with Demon Dean EVER.
      This is what I think about the blade that Crowley any chance he gets will double-cross them. Jensen really has performed so magnificently and has been so believable as a demon to be more precise a Knight of Hell who even the King of Hell couldn’t control which has made Crowley look weak IMO! I know they have to involve the main characters in the story telling, but I thought Crowley had a lot more strength and control in being able to handle someone like Dean. But good on Dean for not succumbing to Crowley’s rules. He’s done us proud.

      Love Aunty B xxx


      1. “Where was Sam suppose to put the Blade where Dean could not force him to tell and searching out the thing. Now, Sam does not know the blade’s location, and cannot tell his brother.”
        Good riddance to it I say!

        Don’t forget though its not the end as spoilers say Dean still has the mark. I also heard that Cole is on his way back to face Dean again. So this could be when the mark resurfaces. Just because the blade isn’t around that its all over, because JC said that the Mark is still simmering in the back ground. So its not all cool and dandy for Dean.

        Love Aunty B xxxx


        1. Sam gave Crowley the Blade bc that was the deal they made. The Blade in exchange for Dean. He said he was going to save Dean no matter what it took and Crowley just took advantage of his desperation to weaken a future threat. And Sam gets the added bonus of getting the Blade out of Dean’s orbit so he can work on fixing him.
          Its still sad though, that he had to turn to Crowley.

          Love Aunty B xxxx


      2. And Dean’s comment about Baby “It’s just a car!” tells you how off the chain Dean has gone. Remember how he looked when Abaddon keyed her?
        While Sam attempts to cure Dean, he can detail Baby in the garage.

        I agree, I bet he’s learnt a lot off Dean over the years.

        Love Aunty B xxxx


        1. “And Dean’s comment about Baby “It’s just a car”
          broke my heart

          It was meant too. I think that was amazing writing the more upset we felt meant that they had done their job. Jensen was brilliant!

          Love Aunty B xxxx


          1. Yeah, I haven’t watched the episode again bc of that line. I liked the episode okay but I think it’ll become like Swan Song. A great episode that I find too painful to watch more than a couple of times. There’s a few episodes of Buffy that are like that too. Brilliant, but not very watchable. Equally disturbing for me was watching Dean flash the Black eyes at Cole. I really didn’t like that moment. It was necessary, but still hard to watch. I also found Ackle’s performance disturbing bc of it’s subtlety. Dean, like Cain, is one of those strange human/demon hybrids that’s somehow not quite evil, but just alien enough to not be human either. It was very weird. And that moment when he challenged Crowley and Crowley had to back down, I felt genuinely sorry for him as he fully realized exactly what kind of monster he helped create. He really should’ve used Cain as an example of what Dean would be like. Cain had so little fear of Crowley that he completely disregarded his presence to focus on Dean. Apparently the Knights of Hell are not easily impressed, so Cains interest in Dean is all the more remarkable.
            I don’t feel sorry for Crowley because he instigated this whole thing. It got too much for him to handle, and was like a child having a temper tantrum he threw his toy out. He got his fingers burnt being too damned greedy wanting it all. For once something has not gone Crowley’s way and that Dean proved to be too much of a match for him. Go Dean!! I did laugh when DD thumped Crowley I thought whoa this Demon has some spunk. Dean knew how to land one and become his own man early on. Crowley hated this thought and wasn’t letting DD any where near his thrown. He got rid of Abbadon and she was a handful, now Dean has proved to much too.

            Love Aunty B xxxx


              1. “just wait until 10/3. Words will hurt more than the physical pain”
                You must have seen the sneak peak for the episode. *sobs*


                1. This show just gets more intense as it goes. After 10 years, that is amazing. And it is not a procedural where you fill in the blanks. The characters keep growing. Probably why the actors are not bored yet, either. They seem to like a challenge.


    7. That was the deal — Dean’s location in exchange for the blade.
      esrablu welcome to the group, and thank you for posting. I get this, but I was surprised that was all. I thought Sam could have turned to someone else, other than the tyrant himself. Its like there wasn’t any other choice out there. It seemed a weak story to me.

      Love Aunty B xxxx


    8. That was the deal – Crowley will give Moose, Squirrel but Crowley gets The Blade. Sam wanted Dean at any cost so……
      Very true …

      Love Aunty B xxxx


      1. Exactly. with Crowley there is always a deal. This was what it took to find Dean.
        I know, by why oh why, did it have to be Crowley?

        Love Aunty B xxxx


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