

Bio: Supernatural has always played a huge part in my writing abilities. I knew I had something, but wasn't until a close friend pushed me to starting a blog. Seven years down the line, I find I have long mental blocks where I can't find anything to write, but now and again struggle to put pen to paper. But when I do, I realise I still love it, and am proud of this little space. I have other authors who help me, and have been with me for a while now, and am so appreciative of them they all have their own little style and some have gone on to write their own blogs... Just WoW!! What I love about SPN, is and has always been about the brothers chemistry on and off set and the journey the brothers have been on to save one another. The actors have a special talent when on screen together, that makes me tune in every week. It also helps me get through some tough times in my life as it has with many other fans who love it for similar reasons. Hope to see you sometime and be able to chat with you about this show we here all love. Love Bella xx

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2 replies to “About

    1. Hi Rona, the said episode I believe was during the Season 5 finale ‘Swan Song’ Episode 22. Sam’s idea, Dean wasn’t happy about it at all, but went along with it and ends up being nearly beaten to death for trying to save Sam from Lucifer.

      Bella x


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