Who actually thumped Dean?

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Who hit Dean in the store room when they were both in the Bunker. Was it actually Sam, or Gadreel? How long has Gad been acting as Sam. Since he overheard Dean and Kevin talking. Was it actually really Sam that Dean confessed to in the store cupboard. Or was he eavesdropping? Who was it really ….

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The forum isn’t really 100% sure as I don’t think anyone has give me a definite answer. I think its really baffling people. I thought it was Sam at first but my mind tells me it wasn’t. So the other big question we’ve been asking ourselves lately is Sam really there has Sam gone or is he laying dormant? We often know its Gadreel when Sam’s eyes turn blue, as that’s are que. But has it ever been Sam since the premier? We no he’s alive as the green line on the hospital monitor informs us. 

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So how well is Sam now. What medical evidence have we got that Sam is all there and not else where?  Is this perception rearing its head again?

37 replies to “Who actually thumped Dean?

  1. well it looks like the carrots didn’t work for me-no italics LOL
    Barb, did you try Percy’s version it worked for Jenks try it.
    I type out the HTML formats and that seems to work for bold you type (b) type what you want bolded then (/b) to end, but use carrots instead of parenthesis. The same with Italics (i) (/i) but carrots.

    I love reading the comments thank you,
    Love Aunty B xxx


      1. Try the sidways carrots Next to the M. I’d type them but they didn’t show up the last time I tried

        OK here goes
        well its worked on my screen I can see the above line in “bold”

        I love reading the comments thank you,
        Love Aunty B xxx


  2. I find it very odd that on one hand we can argue the merits of our boys failures, sins or flawed thinking; IE: lying to themselves, each other, or to the general public in the need to protect, themselves or each other. That while it’s a not a virtue to lie, cheat or steal, we are all prepared to forgive these traits in the boys. But on the other hand…
    We will rain rebuke, censure and ridicule on any other for doing the same. I am not convinced and I’m paraphrasing Dean here, that Gadz is a junkless, douche bag DIck. The only thing we really know about him is he was very harshly punished for a crime he had no real control to stop from happening, he was sent to Angelic prison for many millennia and was released when all Angels were expelled from Heaven. That’s it! We do not know all facts of his crime, or much about him.
    What we do know is:
    #1. While all other Angels we’re willing to kill both brothers for information about Cas and his whereabouts, Gadz was the ONLY one willing to help.
    #2. Has protected both bothers from danger or harm.
    #3. Used his Grace,/Angelic powers to warn Dean of what the Angels were doing.
    #4. Willing to use his Grace and deplete his powers to resurrect Cas and Charlie.
    #5. He has no idea of what a bastard Booger really is.
    Cas doesn’t know whom the Angel in Sam is or that there is an Angel IN Sam. Dean doesn’t know and thus far we are the only one that knows his real name.
    I’m not ready to paint Gadz as a devil till there is a reason to do so. Yes he killed Kevin, but we also know Gadz was manipulated by Booger to do it. We know Booger is very persuasive, and has some very human traits. He has a nasty temper, has a lot of patience, as he has waited millenia on Earth to exact his revenge on his Angelic brethren for chasing him out of Heaven. He also is willing to manipulate other Angels to do all his dirty work or make them the patsy. He also knows about the WInchesters, Kevin the Prophet of the Lord, and is the one that wrote the Angelic Banishment spell on the Angel tablet and purposely fudged scribing the Angel tablet. So I have my reasons to hold judgement on Gadz.


    1. ^i^”So I have my reasons to hold judgement on Gadz.”^i^
      I agree. I thought he was good all along until the finale-I think hes being coerced by Booger-Booger is a good talker and I think Gad has his doubts about him.

      I still think he’s dodgy, see my other post.

      I love reading the comments thank you,
      Love Aunty B xxx


    2. Not every being that is imprisioned can come out as forgiving and loving as the late Nelson Mandela. And we do not have Gad’s full story and he is so out of touch with what has been going on with mankind and angels. He anwered Dean because it suited his agenda to hide once he was “on the run” from other angels. Not buying that he had to take sides in the angel war. I think he took sides back in the Garden. So life is harder to believe than fiction at times. Not willing to condemn Gadreel: he did what he had to do and so did Dean and so has Cas to get grace and Sam in the best- what do good intentions pave—- enter Crowley.. However, I cannot imagine Dean letting go of his vengeance for a being that killed Kevin or subdued Sam. This is one he will think is also “on him”. Kevin was another member of his family that got killed due to Dean’s choices. And Sam’s situation weighs on him.


      1. Not every being that is imprisioned can come out as forgiving and loving as the late Nelson Mandela. And we do not have Gad’s full story and he is so out of touch with what has been going on with mankind and angels. He anwered Dean because it suited his agenda to hide once he was “on the run” from other angels. Not buying that he had to take sides in the angel war. I think he took sides back in the Garden. So life is harder to believe than fiction at times. Not willing to condemn Gadreel: he did what he had to do and so did Dean and so has Cas to get grace and Sam in the best- what do good intentions pave—- enter Crowley.. However, I cannot imagine Dean letting go of his vengeance for a being that killed Kevin or subdued Sam. This is one he will think is also “on him”. Kevin was another member of his family that got killed due to Dean’s choices. And Sam’s situation weighs on him.

        I agree with you, as for him taking sides in the Angel War. I believe he sits the fence,{ but I hope he sits on the Free Will side} as I wrote before I think he really doesn’t like majority of his Angel siblings, and it’s just a hunch at this point of time, I don’t think he even likes or trusts Booger either. I think he is playing Metatron, he is giving Booger no reason to distrust him, I think it has to do with getting back to Heaven.

        As for Dean’s vengeance, he hasn’t much choice at the moment.He doesn’t know who has his brother, he doesn’t know if Sam is healthy enough to survive on his own without his Angelic pacemaker and he will want answers first, like WHO Gad is, and the why.

        As for Kevin, can we say for certain that Cas will not come to his rescue and resurrect him as Gadz did for him? It helps that Cas has Grace again, and will be able to help Dean and Sam once again.

        As for Crowley, the jury is still out on him. I do think he wants to give Abaddon a run for money and reclaim the throne of Hell. Is he willing to help, you betcha. I think Crowley secretly like the brothers and though they can be the biggest pain in his ass he still gets a kick out of besting them or in the trying too. The whole; the enemy, of my enemy, is my friend kind of deal.
        Can I say I have never liked these mid season hiatus’ but not as much as I do this go around. TSBJ SPN comes back the first of Jan! HA!


  3. I’m a little late to the party, but I’m pretty sure Gad hit Dean. Sam doesn’t hit Dean. He didn’t hit him when Dean hit him in Bloodlust. He didn’t hit him in Metamorphosis when Dean hit him and said Do you even know how far off the reservation you’ve gone? How far from normal? From human? He didn’t hit Dean in Sex and Violence even after Dean held a knife to his throat and then came at him with an ax AND Sam had been dosed by the siren. He didn’t hit him when he didn’t have a soul and Dean was practically beating him to death. He didn’t hit him when he found out about the Amy lie. The ONLY times he ever hit Dean without Dean trying to kill him was when he was high on demon blood, and when he was possessed by Lucifer. The only times he hit Dean while not supernaturally influenced was in the Pilot when Dean broke in and Sam didn’t know it was him and in Southern Comfort when Dean was holding a gun on Sam AND Garth. Sam has lots of flaws, but he does not hit Dean from anger.
    I thought Sam did hit Dean in Sex and Violence, even though they were under influence it was still him, that hit him. That was the whole point of them fighting that the siren was deliberately working his mojo on them. Even though its not Sam per say as Sam said him self when he was soulless and he begged to differ when Dean said it wasn’t him, Sam wouldn’t back down and said its still my body, its still me. Sam’s anger always has been a problem and sometimes gets the better of him. But he has hit before.

    I honestly don’t know how much we have seen Sam this year. I think the blue flash was supposed to clue us to when Gad took over, but they could have been using that to fool the audience.
    I do agree with you here. I wondered if they were tricking us, like they did with the whole perception thing last season.

    I’m less confident than a lot of people that Sam will come back. I mean I think he will but I actually think there is a chance he won’t. The writers seem to be completely unable to get a grip on how to write for Sam. They can pull it off for an episode or two (Sacrifice and I Think I’m Going to Like It Here), but on a sustained basis they don’t keep it up and haven’t since season three, IMHO. I used to watch Angel and I remember when Fred became Ilyria. I think there is a small chance that TPTB will use this to keep Jared on the show but dump the Sam character. They may make the new character an amalgam of Sam and Gad, but I’m not sure the statement that Sam is gone is a lie. The other issue is that it has been stated by Vesta (who had no reason to lie) that Sam is still badly injured from the trials and it is quite likely that if Gad is expelled, Sam will die. That may lead Dean to allowing Gad to stay in Sam and to suppress Sam continuously. I am interested in where this is headed.
    This has crossed my mind too. Especially after Vesta’s remark. Some have even said if Gad really healed him, and is just using Sam’s vessel as a hide-out. He may have had no intentions of healing him. Sam was in a bad way in the premier and it would take a small miracle to get him back up to full speed. Also I am suspicious of the lost time in the car as well, wondering what was going down here, and how much of Sam’s memory was being altered. I also think the Dean/Cas fans will love this, as its been talked about. But I know I’ve hyped on about Sam being an angel, but not if we loose the real Sam. This would be too much. Your right it will be interesting to see where it goes. I hope they do get to banish Gad in some ways.

    I love reading the comments thank you,
    Love Aunty B xxx


    1. Percysowner says:
      I’m a little late to the party, but I’m pretty sure Gad hit Dean. Sam doesn’t hit Dean. He didn’t hit him when Dean hit him in Bloodlust. He didn’t hit him in Metamorphosis when Dean hit him and said Do you even know how far off the reservation you’ve gone? How far from normal? From human? He didn’t hit Dean in Sex and Violence even after Dean held a knife to his throat and then came at him with an ax AND Sam had been dosed by the siren. He didn’t hit him when he didn’t have a soul and Dean was practically beating him to death. He didn’t hit him when he found out about the Amy lie. The ONLY times he ever hit Dean without Dean trying to kill him was when he was high on demon blood, and when he was possessed by Lucifer. The only times he hit Dean while not supernaturally influenced was in the Pilot when Dean broke in and Sam didn’t know it was him and in Southern Comfort when Dean was holding a gun on Sam AND Garth. Sam has lots of flaws, but he does not hit Dean from anger.

      Good Point, Sam doesn’t hit Dean. IMO it’s more out of respect and love as he feels Dean has been more of a parent to him than a brother, but everyone has a breaking point. I think even Dean realizes that this situation is a deal breaker. He knows he did wrong and it’s going to TICK Sam off to a new level of pisstivity. He even said as much in the store room.
      The guys enter the room. Dean ignites the sigel.
      Sam: “What’s going on? What are you doing?”
      Dean: ” I’m gonna tell you some stuff fast, and it’s going to piss you off.”
      Sam: “Okay?!”
      Dean: “Look those trials really messed you up.”
      Sam: “Yes, I know that.”
      Dean: “No, you don’t. I mean messed you up bad, like almost dead. No more birthdays. Dust to dust. Yea, well that messed me up. So I made a move, okay. A tough move about you, without talking it over, because you were in a coma.”
      Sam: “Wait? Wha..when?!”
      Dean: “You were in the hospital, okay, and they said you were going to die.”
      Sam: “Dean, what did you do?”
      Dean: ” I let a Angel in.”
      Sam: “In what?”
      Dean: “In you. He said he could heal you, and he is.”
      Sam: “Wha, he’s still in me?!”
      Dean nods..
      Sam: ” Wait, that’s impossible, Dean. That couldn’t happen, I never invited him in.”
      Dean: ” I tricked you into saying yes. It seemed to be the only way.”
      Sam: ” So, again you thought I couldn’t handle something, so you just took over.”
      Dean: “NO, I did what I had to do, you would’ve never agreed to it and you would’ve died!”
      Sam: “Maybe I would’ve liked to have a choice at least.”
      Dean: “We can do this later. You can..you can kick my ass all you want, but right now we got bigger problems.”
      Sam: “Bigger?!”
      Dean: “The Angel lied to me, okay. He’s not who he said he was. He said he was Ezekiel. Cool guy according to Cas, but he’s not Ezekiel.”
      Sam: ” Who is he then?”
      Dean: “I don’t know, apparently Ezekiel is dead. Whoever this guy is, he can end you in a heartbeat if he wants to. So you’ve gotta dump him.”
      Are you hearing what I’m saying? I think your well enough now, so you gotta expel him.”
      “Sam? Sa…Hey!?”
      Now I’m not sure if that meant Gadz was present for all of this exchange..or just at the very end when Dean informed Sam about Gadz false identity. The more I watch this episode, AND listen closely, pay attention to the mannerisms. I am more and more convinced that Sam was there for the whole of this exchange. Gadz is way to green at being human, to be this smooth and effortless during this exchange.

      But didn’t Gad say I played Sam convincingly I thought. So to me it was Gad and he’d also gone back in the store room and altered the sigual on the door, so I am so convinced it was him, and Sam is still non the wiser, he still hasn’t a clue that Gad is riding him. The writers have been very clever here.

      I love reading the comments thank you,
      Love Aunty B xxx


      1. I hope they clarify this, but I think there are hints that Gad has been practicing at being Sam for a while. Kevin asked Dean if he had noticed that Sam had been leaving the bunker a lot. I think that means that Gad has pretended to be Sam more than we know, either off screen or when we have seen him and just didn’t realize it. Frankly, I think we have seen far less of Sam this season than we have realized.

        The main reason I don’t think Sam was there when Dean told him about Gad was because there was not one indication that Gad was struggling when he went to kill Kevin. Sam was able to overcome Lucifer, I can’t believe he would sit idly by and watch himself murder Kevin once he knew there was something to fight. No matter how angry he was with Dean, I have to believe that Sam’s first priority would be to get the angel out and at the very least Gad would have had to struggle to maintain control.

        I truly believe that once Gad heard Dean asking Kevin about the sigils he took control and never gave it back. I don’t think Sam knows what is going on.
        I am totally with you Percy, I don’t think Sam has a clue what’s been going on. But what does surprise me is that he could out whit Lucifer who is an archangel, but he can’t out wit a mere angel like Gad. But then if he doesn’t know he doesn’t know so can’t do much about it. I am also concerned about the missing chunks of time in the car, Sam has as you say been more out of it that what we were lead to believe.

        I love reading the comments thank you,
        Love Aunty B xxx


        1. I agree. I think Sam was not there for that event. I think Gadreel was pretending to be him from the time of the overheard convo. I also believe that Gad has been pretending to be Sam a lot more often than we know. He would have to be pretending to be Sam to get Sam out of the bunker whenever he felt like it. Especially for his meetings with Metatron.
          I’m pleased we’re in agreement then, it got rather confusing at one point. I would love to understand how their power works in suppressing the human in side the vessel. Gadreel must be well healed at this point to lay Sam out for ages. It will be interesting when Gad does if he gets banished how Sam felt, if he felt anything.

          But I absolutely don’t think they’ll pull an Ilyria on us with Sam. Its true that the writers act like they don’t know what to do with him and they seem reluctant to just make him a normal guy instead of the season ‘s “damsel in distress” but I don’t think they will write him out entirely.
          This was one of the reasons why all this time I was wanting Sam to be angel, as he is influenced more by the supernatural than Dean. He is already infected with demon blood, to make him totally human may be moving his plot forward but what excitement would they have for the audience if he were to remain human, a big fat zero. Then Dean wouldn’t have anyone to worry about. I had my suspicions early on that Gad might be difficult to get rid of and would out stay his welcome, considering he has hi-jacked Sam’s vessel purely to stay of the angel radar.

          I found Ilyria interesting and her death made a point but Sam’s death would serve no purpose and I still think there’s life in that character to be mined. I’ve been wrong before but I am optimistic about this. At worst they may decide to make an an amalgam of the two characters but having two beings in one body will be awkward although I think Sam with Gadreel’s power would be interesting to watch.
          But if Gad’s not up to full strength and the boys banish Gad where does this leave Sam. Vesta said he was held together with duck tape and pins, so is he fully cured, could he cope on his own with out Gads influence? Sam might later decide to keep Gadreel which is a possibility, but even this would be extreme. As we know how Sam feels about possession.

          I also think that Gadreel has a story that needs to play out and he can’t do it in Sam. His issue needs to be resolved or Gad needs to die and neither of those things are going to happen inside Sam.
          It is inevitable most guest characters do get killed off, so how it pans out will depend on this spell. But then if Gad exits will this be the end of him?

          If they do shelve Sam for the rest of the season I’m going to be very disappointed with them. I’ll watch because I’m deeply curious about wtf the writers are thinking but I won’t care about the show anymore. None of it will matter. I didn’t sign on to this show or fall in love with this show to watch Dean and Gadreel. I signed on to watch Sam and Dean
          It will still be Sam’s meat-suit but it won’t be the same will it? Well said ….

          And incidentally Sam did hit Dean when he was possessed by Meg and shot Dean while possessed by some other ghost in season one. He’s shot Dean twice I think. The second time is when Meg shot him.
          Yeap but in those cases it wasn’t the real Sam just as Gad has taken over Sam, it wasn’t Sam who laid that punch, it was the thing that possessed him. When Dean was shot it was Meg the whole time. I think the shot in the barn didn’t actually hit Dean it missed.

          I love reading the comments thank you,
          Love Aunty B xxx


          1. I do remember Sam shot at Dean in Asylum and that Meg in Sam shot Dean, I couldn’t remember that he hit Dean. It still falls into my feeling that if Sam is hitting Dean he is severely compromised to the point of not being Sam.

            I have read one theory that posits that Gadreel said Sam was gone not because Sam is gone, but because Gad is losing himself in Sam. Gad was imprisoned after the Snake got into Eden, however that happened. That pretty well means that he probably has never had a vessel before, and my not know how to keep the boundaries between himself and Sam. He may not know where he stops and Sam starts, which would be an interesting amalgam. I don’t want to lose Sam. He is my favorite character, OTOH, I can’t remember the last time Sam was Sam. I don’t count having demon blood from when he was six months old as not being Sam. Sam was himself through season two and probably through season three, although I think a good argument could be made that he was so traumatized by Mystery Spot that he may have been somewhat compromised after that. I would like Sam to be allowed to be Sam, but the writers don’t seem to want to explore that.
            I slightly disagree as I think the only time Sam was fully human were those first six months of his life, as he didn’t have demon blood flowing through his veins. Also Sam died at the end of season 2 and Azazel said to Dean was it 100% Sam that came back. Sam was terrifying when he shot Jake, when he killed Gordon Walker. Dean even asked Bobby if it were true did the real Sam come back. So Sam has had violent streaks with in even when he was soulless he was uncontrollable. But this is an interesting that Gad may not know where Sam starts. It has been confusing as the blue eyes were always the give away, but were they the true give away that Gad had taken over. Was this a trick? Had he been Gad the whole time.

            I love reading the comments thank you,
            Love Aunty B xxx


        2. Gadz could practice all he wants, though he has Sam’s memories and thoughts he hasn’t escaped notice of his strangeness. Kevin remarked on it, and even Dean has picked up on the difference, though Dean KNOWS what that difference was. I find it hard to believe that Gadz had ulterior motives, and was just waiting to hijack Sam, and as for purposely not healing him, baloney he has done what he can to patch and heal the huge mess the trials have made of Sam. He protected Sam, he has done everything Dean has asked of him, even saved Cas and Charlie. When he was asked why he chose Zeke as his alias he said Zeke was known as a good and honorable Angel, implying and verified by Booger that his name was known as the opposite. He is not like his other Angelic brethren, excluding Cas I find Gadz about the only angel that is honest, and has wide streak of purity. The reason I say this is he has been in prison far away from the the tyranny of who will rule and all the posturing of the rest of his Heavenly Siblings. Also I find it heartening that he apologized for what he did to Kevin. In exception of Cas, Gadz is the only Angel that has ever apologized for Anything he has done. Also he didn’t/ doesn’t treat Dean as a lesser being, he doesn’t talk down to him he hasn’t done a thing to sabotage or harm either brother or friends. Well until this last episode, he hasn’t and honestly I think he found it distasteful and I think he really regretted doing it. I stand by my first assessment I believe he wants redemption, and would like to reclaim his good name.
          Most angels we’ve seen have been complete and utter ‘DICKS’ as Dean has rightly said in the past. So Zeke/Gad was in a hard position in the first place, because most of us suspected he would be a dick too. Most angels apart from Cas have caused the boys harm, pain, suffering and torment. So to think that he is turning out to be on the level was a bit strange to say the least. Most were pinning hopes on it that he was bad, to make it a bit more entertaining to watch, it would be a bit dull and boring otherwise. But yes he has been honorable, he saved lives and close friends of the boys, he’s protected Sam on more than one occasion, which added a bit of mystery to the proceedings. Kevin was different because he was ordered to do it. To get back into heaven which he clearly wants to do. He had to perform this deed to get into Metatrons good books in order to get what he wanted. It was warming to see him apologize for killing Kevin, so we know he feels guilt for his actions. He does appear a good, and courageous warrior as Cas had predicted, even though he was talking of Ezekiel, not Gadreel. As you said he also didn’t cause Dean any harm or pain and kept his word. So perhaps there are some angels who aren’t dicks after all. I think being imprisoned for so long, he wanted to do good acts, and healing Sam was a way of redeeming himself and showing others that he had changed. It will be strange to not see Gad around and wonder how he will be got rid of.

          I love reading the comments thank you,
          Love Aunty B xxx


          1. “I stand by my first assessment I believe he wants redemption, and would like to reclaim his good name”
            I think and hope this is true also!

            I partly believe this, but I still doubt it. He can act all tough and do stuff that he doesn’t particularly want to do. Remember how many jumped on Sam season 4 with Ruby. I get he wants to get back home, and wants to clear his name. But to kill people to do it, and be an angel in his position takes some believing. Most angels have been corrupt not one apart from Cas has been reasonable even he’s been dodgy as hell. So I find it hard to believe any different from this guy. He’s not caused much problem for the boys. But we really don’t know what he’s done to Sam, he’s kidnapped him and walked off with his vessel, got to Kevin and threw Dean to a pillar against his will. He lied about who he was, hid from other angels using Sam’s vessel as a shelter. Banished Cas from the bunker… Even under duress of Metatron he’s still a bit nasty. I may eat my words later, but I don’t trust the guy. He could so easily turn in the other direction.

            I love reading the comments thank you,
            Love Aunty B xxx


          2. Most were pinning hopes on it that he was bad, to make it a bit more entertaining to watch, it would be a bit dull and boring otherwise. I would find it more interesting if Gadz turned out to be more like Cas as an Angel, than the run of the mill Douche Bag Prick as all the rest have proven to be. It would be nice to have another Angel on Team Free Will. Also it would be really nice if there was an Angel on Sam’s side, poor Sam hasn’t had much of a break all these years. With being picked as a infant to be the Luci’s vessel, and lead the demon army to victory, and basically kicking off the whole Apocalypse, and all. It would be nice that he can have a Angelic friend to call on, as Dean has with Cas. Gad would be closer to Sam as they have shared more of a intense bond, seeing that Gad was privy to Sam’s inner most thoughts and emotions.
            I totally agree with this. I can see Gad being half and half at the moment. I have been on the fence as he didn’t get off to a good start in lying about who he really was. Which put my back up straight away. We need to see really nice angels as well as the corrupt ones. I do like the idea of him being on Team free will as they could do with another guy around since Kevin departed. Sam does need to have friends and interact with others as well as Dean.

            Also having just shared that bit, wouldn’t you think that Gad had a heads up on Booger being a Bastard. And Gad was really seeking a way to stop him or figure out a way to restore order to Heaven. Seeing as Sam had suspicions about Booger last season. I know Sam was very angry with him, because Booger was cowardly hiding and basically ignoring his one purpose which was to Help or guide Humanity, but he was passively, idly reading or listening to all of humanity’s suffering and misery for thousands of years instead. So maybe, just maybe Gad’s is doing a double agent kind of deal and trying to stop Booger. I would find it very interesting if that was the case.
            I like your theory double agent does pose interesting material to work with. He’s one argumentative man always with ulterior motives. I think Metatron could have so much potential story wise any way. Its hard to say what stuff Gad has picked up from Sam, but I think Gad is so easily lead just as Cas was. He was so easy to manipulate that it was a doddle for Booger to be able to do what he clearly does so well. He knows who to hone in on and Gad’s only passion was to get back home and Metatron new this. Clearly giving him an ultimate to do his bidding and killing innocent people. I like the plot a lot.

            Thank you,
            Love Aunty B xxx


        3. “I truly believe that once Gad heard Dean asking Kevin about the sigils he took control and never gave it back. I don’t think Sam knows what is going on”

          I agree too.

          I love reading the comments thank you,
          Love Aunty B xxx


      2. “Gadz is way to green at being human, to be this smooth and effortless during this exchange.”
        Gad changed the sigil BEFORE Dean touched it, which was BEFORE Dean told Sam so I think it was Gad all along.

        Me too, as soon as I realized about the sigil that’s what convinced me 😉 Sam has hardly been Sam this season as Gad has suppressed him. So most of the time Gad could have been play acting any way without us knowing about it. Particularly since the cozy little stints in the car with Dean.

        I love reading the comments thank you,
        Love Aunty B xxx


    2. You’re right, after he was dosed by the Siren Sam did hit Dean, I didn’t remember properly. It still fits the pattern of Sam hitting only when compromised i.e. under possession or supernatural substance.
      I thought I was, cause that was the whole point of the fight that they were under the influence of the siren. Yeah I agree only when compromised 😉

      I love reading the comments thank you,
      Love Aunty B xxx


  4. “Gadz isn’t looking to put down roots in a huge mess of a vessel like Sam.
    I think he really wants to go back to heaven and get off this planet, a place he doesn’t understand, and far away from us emotional and confusing humans.”


    Where the heck do you see a B for bold and I for italic button?
    Barb, see earlier notes its Alt and B not Control and B …

    I love reading the comments thank you,
    Love Aunty B xxx


  5. (*_ “I think when he says Sam is gone he means that he has completely suppressed Sam inside that body, the way Jimmy was suppressed, and means to stay in there permanently. As you said, once before, that is one heck of a host to have. One of the strongest and bred exactly for the purpose of hosting an archangel.
    This is exactly it ummh I couldn’t think of the word. So I was right about this again that this might have been Gadreel’s plan all along to be in Sam for ever! I think I used the words morph into one another. I think this is what the season has been about on the mythology side, that angels want to find their right hosts. This was what Bart was hunting out and still is. I know their not just any angels bog standard vessel they are arch angels vessels.” _*)
    I don’t think Gadzook wants to stay in Sam permanently. (* #1*) he has used considerable power to heal this vessel that was severely mortally damaged. (*#2*) He wants to stay out sight and out of mind of the Angles. One reason he is basically on Unsanctioned Parole from Angel Prison. He doesn’t know if any angel might be gunning for him. (*#3*) He has certainly picked one of the two worst people to stay out of the limelight. (*#4*) Sam and Dean both are very close to Cas, another Angel that is now #1 on the Angelic Fecal List. He is also bothered by Dean’s never ending questions about Sam’s healing and why it is taking him so long. I don’t think he understands our concept of Time either. Gadzook is immortal, inhuman and endowed with powers on a much smaller scale as God but still quite powerful, as it is he has never had to worry about time, sickness or been weakened by age or ailment and he has been in prison for a eternity. The Angel has patience out the wazoo.

    This was my very first suspicion as being an angel we always assume there not nice creatures at the best of times. I get he’s using the vessel as a hiding place, out of sight out of mind. But is this all there is to him? Is it this simple that he’s scared of the other angels because he’s escaped from imprisonment. I think the angels may have bigger fish to fry, like finding a safe vessel to house them? He only really went to the Winchesters because of Dean’s pray, if it wasn’t for that he wouldn’t have found his hiding place any way. So he was lucky to have heard Dean’s call. I don’t think he was expecting it to be the Winchesters and was surprised I think in hearing Dean’s voice asking for help. He soon hopped back on that bus without any hesitation whatsoever…

    I love reading the comments thank you,
    Love Aunty B xxx


    1. Ok it’s driving me crazy…how the halibut do you quote reply’s,& use bold and italics???
      It’s simple Jenks, if you highlight the text with your mouse what you want highlighted, then click either the B for bold or I for italic’s button and click on the screen. You will see it’s done it. You can do it the keyboard shortcut of control/B which highlights also. 😉 Have a go!!

      I love reading the comments thank you,
      Love Aunty B xxx


      1. “Ok it’s driving me crazy…how the halibut do you quote replys,& use bold and italics???”
        Yes whats your secret? I just copy and paste from the rpevious post, but I have no way of doing anything with the text like bold either!

        I have special little buttons in my comments box which allows me to click, its just as though I’m in a word document. So its easy peesy for me. All I can suggest is that you use the keyboard method. Highlight the text you want to highlight. Hold down onto the control button, left hand side of the keyboard and hit the letter B on the keyboard. This will highlight your chosen text. Hope that helps.

        I love reading the comments thank you,
        Love Aunty B xxx


      2. Uhmmm…nope not working. Tried to highlight, bold or italics this and not a bloody thing happened. Guess it only works for you.
        Have you kept your finger down on the control key and hit the letter B. It should do it. I just tried it and it didn’t work either. Then thought I’d try the Alt key with the letter B and this works.

        BTW jenks4dean. I just had a spooky thought. I noticed you had changed your Avatar to Jensen/Dean. And I thought OMG I wonder if your are Jensen’s, posting on my BLOG. School girl letting out a scream!! 😉 Wacky thought don’t spook me 🙂

        I love reading the comments thank you,
        Love Aunty B xxx


        1. Nope, still not working for me..tried the ALT + B , and all others still nada… But thanks for trying to help me out.”) BTW…I changed my avatar because I didn’t like my pizza head, but truthfully it was accidentally done. I was trying to figure out the Bold, Italics. and just for the hell of it a change of color of the text itself. Unfortunately I got bupkus, but I could change my Avatar. You can change yours too. Go up to the left hand corner and click on settings. Click Avatar and change it up. So No, I’m not Jensen. Just a Chick from the US that loves SPN. Sorry, to pop your girlie dreams. LOL!”)
          You take it you knew I was only teasing 😉 seeing your mail address and seeing the picture made me jump. Yeap I know you can change Avatars but can’t be bothered at the moment. Sorry your struggling with the bold thingy, don’t know what else to suggest.

          I love reading the comments thank you,
          Love Aunty B xxx


          1. I type out the HTML formats and that seems to work for bold you type (b) type what you want bolded then (/b) to end, but use carrots instead of parenthesis. The same with Italics (i) (/i) but carrots. I’m not sure about how to blockquote or even regular quote, because I have never tried it and certain boards only allow certain HTML to be used. Hope that helps.
            Good point Percy thank you, I had forgotten about the HTML way. Let us know if it works Jenks …

            I love reading the comments thank you,
            Love Aunty B xxx


            1. By honest I realize he’s not honest to a fault..he lied about his name, yes. It’s funny that for such a high ranking Angel as Gadz was, why his powers are so minimal. I have a thought of why that is. I find for a Angel, not using their real name makes them sorta powerless, or they can’t use their full powers


            2. I type out the HTML formats and that seems to work for bold you type (b) type what you want bolded then (/b) to end, but use carrots instead of parenthesis. The same with Italics (i) (/i) but carrots. I’m not sure about how to blockquote or even regular quote, because I have never tried it and certain boards only allow certain HTML to be used. Hope that helps.
              Good point Percy thank you, I had forgotten about the HTML way. Let us know if it works Jenks …

              Here we go…trying now.


  6. “Who hit Dean in the store room when they were both in the Bunker. Was it actually Sam”
    No it was Gadreel. As soon as Dean hit the sigil (which Gadreel had changed) Gadreel was in charge of Sams body, so it was him. He even said did I play Sam well. Of course as it happens EVERYONE thinks its Sam. I was sooo disappointed that Dean confessed and wasn’t heard by Sam.

    Oh God, I wasn’t 100% certain because I thought he might have been fooling Dean, he’s already done it before. So it was Gad who actually thumped Dean. It was so real at that point I thought it was actually Sam and he’d come to. It looked so believable. Man that angel can throw one hell of a punch. He even said did I play Sam well I heard him say this, but still wasn’t convinced. Gad’s eyes went blue when he over heard Kevin and Dean talking, but when he went into the store room, those eyes didn’t change, and I think this has fooled a lot of us. These writers really have picked up. I really did enjoy this episode. 😉

    I love reading the comments thank you,
    Love Aunty B xxx


    1. Barb: I thought he was Gadreel from the moment he came into the bunker and overheard them talking? I thought it was Gadreel who was stacking the beer when Dean called Sam’s name?
      This is one reason why I think Jared’s acting has really, really picked up. Because he’s so convincing at it and has had many fooled. No wonder Jared said at Comic-con in the summer that this season will be exciting to play, I’m not surprised, I bet he’s had a blast!!

      At any rate, it was definitely Gadreel who punched Dean and as Barb states he said as much.
      Ah yes, but like I said to barb, he could have been faking it.

      I think when he says Sam is gone he means that he has completely suppressed Sam inside that body, the way Jimmy was suppressed, and means to stay in there permanently. As you said, once before, that is one heck of a host to have. One of the strongest and bred exactly for the purpose of hosting an archangel.
      This is exactly it ummh I couldn’t think of the word. So I was right about this again that this might have been Gadreel’s plan all along to be in Sam for ever! I think I used the words morph into one another. I think this is what the season has been about on the mythology side, that angels want to find their right hosts. This was what Bart was hunting out and still is. I know their not just any angels bog standard vessel they are arch angels vessels. 😉

      I honestly don’t understand what’s confusing about it actually. Gadreel is not the star of the show. The show isn’t about Dean and his brother the angel, so I really don’t understand people panicking about this.(And hey! Belle: technically you got your wish – Sam got to be an angel. I remember you were really hoping for that and I sort of poo -poohed that idea.)
      I think they got confused about who was who at what time. For a second there it did. Your right honey, I did almost get my wish granted didn’t I. I kept thinking at the back of my mind at the time. I keep writing all these Sam is an angel articles and people will be getting fed up with me. But at least I appear more on the right path this season than I were last.

      Sam will be back because the writers aren’t stupid enough to write one of the main characters out of his own show for the whole season. I’m sure Gadreel will find a new host. I’d love to see more of Tamoh onscreen anyway as hes a serious hawty.
      I know this, I said as much didn’t I. But I bet a lot of Dean fans would love this though if it did happen. They so want the Dean/Cas show. He is very good looking I must admit. They left it late casting him though I read some where, they’d about two weeks left to go and hadn’t signed anyone. I don’t think we will see him. If Crowley banishes him he will go up in a ball of light or something using special effects.

      I love reading the comments thank you,
      Love Aunty B xxx


      1. “I thought it was Gadreel who was stacking the beer when Dean called Sam’s name”
        I thought that was really Sam-but I could be wrong. Ill have to pay closer attention next re-watch!

        You see we are confused …. 🙂

        I love reading the comments thank you,
        Love Aunty B xxx


      2. lkeke35 says:
        I think when he says Sam is gone he means that he has completely suppressed Sam inside that body, the way Jimmy was suppressed, and means to stay in there permanently. As you said, once before, that is one heck of a host to have. One of the strongest and bred exactly for the purpose of hosting an archangel.

        Aunty B says:
        This is exactly it ummh I couldn’t think of the word. So I was right about this again that this might have been Gadreel’s plan all along to be in Sam for ever! I think I used the words morph into one another. I think this is what the season has been about on the mythology side, that angels want to find their right hosts. This was what Bart was hunting out and still is. I know their not just any angels bog standard vessel they are arch angels vessels.

        I do not think Gadz has ANY real plans in staying in Sam…ever.
        The Key of why I think so is when he was talking to Booger at the second Meet under the bridge.
        Booger was telling him that Humans were just flighty, emotional beings. He had spend many years living with us and still couldn’t make heads or tails of us…Bla Bla Bla, I’m so full of BS.
        Then Gadz told Booger, Sam was just a huge mess and the brother (Dean) He didn’t even know where to start. Booger said he could take them away, take them all away for him. He just had to say the word. In other words take him back to Heaven and off this topsy turvy planet that he doesn’t understand.
        Gadz isn’t looking to put down roots in a huge mess of a vessel like Sam.
        I think he really wants to go back to heaven and get off this planet, a place he doesn’t understand, and far away from us emotional and confusing humans.

        Thinking about this too, I can believe this when we think of Gad’s body language. He just didn’t fit on earth and was shying away from the spotlight and kept out of Dean’s way as much as he possibly could. I guess he was imprisoned for so long that he had got use to that way of life. And wanted to get back home ASAP.

        I love reading the comments thank you,
        Love Aunty B xxx


    2. *-” Gad’s eyes went blue when he over heard Kevin and Dean talking, but when he went into the store room, those eyes didn’t change, and I think this has fooled a lot of us.”-*
      I don’t think Gadzook ever relinquished full control of Sam from the moment he was at the Bar when he spoke to Booger that first time. I also think when his emotions are at high alert or his angelic radar is jangling he can not control that little flash of power we see in his eyes.

      So all the episode we never saw Sam at all? As I said when he was in the door way listening into Kevin and Dean his eyes flashed blue. So I am more confused.

      I love reading the comments thank you,
      Love Aunty B xxx


      1. So all the episode we never saw Sam at all? As I said when he was in the door way listening into Kevin and Dean his eyes flashed blue. So I am more confused.
        First, Sorry I confused you, what I meant is Gadriel was present the whole time, even when Sam was the one behind the steering wheel. In other words when Sam was THERE, doing all the walking and talking, Gadz was too. Think back to when Gadz and Dean were talking at the beginning of the show in the car. Dean asked him if he was eavesdropping to everything the brothers talked about. Gadz said no he had better things to do, like healing Sam than impose on their conversations, but he would catch a word here or there but wasn’t really paying attention. I also think that he was offended by Dean asking that.

        Its okay, It just threw me for a while, as I wasn’t sure when it was him and when it wasn’t. But there were occasions when he fully took over like over hearing about the siduale.

        I think he is VERY TOUCHY about being thought of as untrustworthy or dishonorable. The key was when Meta-Booger asked him why he chose Zeke as his name. He said Zeke well known for being a good & honorable angel, everything that he was not. When Dean asked him that, and being confronted by Booger got him thinking. It made him wonder what they did or would talk about while he wasn’t paying attention. So he stuck around and did listen in. That’s why no flash of blue in Sams eyes, because he was already present. That flash of blue when he was eavesdropping to Dean and Kevin talking, was him coming fully present and taking total control. Savvy??
        I got the eyes bit, but they didn’t always show when it was the real Sam. As so many on the forum were so confused and still are. When Gad actually honed in and shut off. Because it looked in the store room as Sam had landed that punch on Dean as it looked so realistic. When he over heard Kevin and Dean his was taking control at that point. But we also didn’t see him disarm after so all that time after he was still being Gad?

        I love reading the comments thank you,
        Love Aunty B xxx


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