Supernatural Season 12

Hi guys!

Yeah, those of you who have been following my other blog, know that I’m still around ,still cussing, snarking and getting into mischief. We’ve got a brand new season of Supernatural coming up, and I’m starting to experience a certain cautious excitment. I have no idea what the character dynamics will be like this season but they will be interesting.

We ‘ll be introduced to the British version of the Men of Letters, and I’m interested to see how that particular organization works. Sam and Dean’s Mom has been introduced, and it will be exciting to see their interactions with her, especially since’ she is also a Hunter. We haven’t often gotten to see women being badasses on the show, but over the years the show has been  a little bit better about its depiction of women, (although sadly not its depiction of Sam, as he ends up in yet anther torture session. Isn’t that how season ten began?)

Anyway, I’m looking forward to the season premiere.  I will be reviewing all the episodes, with a summation during the hiatus, and a overview after the season finale, as usual.

And as a treat:

5 replies to “Supernatural Season 12

  1. Hey friend lol. After our talk about my blog, I decided to reconnect with this one in preparation for the upcoming season.
    I’ve stayed o top of every spoiler on IMDb and I’m not excited for this season. Nothing I heard so far from Sam being tortured, to the British MOL, to Hitler compared to a “psycho Richard Simmons”, to Lucifer still being a thing, to Crowley’s dimwitted son Gavin returning, to Aaron and his Golem (Jesus, why?) sound interesting to me.
    Oh the bright side, I’m still glad the boys are back and I love me some Mary so that’s something…


    1. Hmmm! I didn’t know about the Hitler thing, and I can do without Gavin, who is basically a wet sweater. But I do want to see Mary in action. I’m going to try to ignore Sam’s usual torture session, though. I actually like Aaron and the Golem. That’s one of my fave episodes. The British MOL seem like dicks but I’m interested in their backstory, and also really want to see Mary kick their ass.


      1. I agree, the Hitler thing is boring – why not Stalin or Trotsky – but the JewBoys have to vent their spleen, no matter how irrelevant.


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