Thoughts on the rest of the season?

10×15 : The Things They Carried
10×16 : Paint It Black
10×17 : Inside Man
10×18 : Book Of The Damned
10×19 : The Werther Project
10×20 : Angel Heart
10×21 : Dark Dynasty
10×22 : The Prisoner
10×23 : My Brother’s Keeper

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Okay the rest of the episode titles have been posted on IMDb giving us a clue as to where we might be heading. I myself have the odd idea. I think Demon Dean will re-surface in ‘Paint it Black’. In ‘Angel Heart’ I think that Dean might kill Cas to get to the blade which has been talked about. I can’t think of much yet between ‘Paint it Black’ and ‘Dark Dynasty’.  I think in ‘The Prisoner’ Crowley will take Dean captive as we have all the stuff going on with Rowena and the Witches Covern. I’m wondering if Crowley will use Dean to kill off the witches and help his mother out? ‘My brothers Keeper’ is as Cain predicted. That its Dean’s destiny to kill Sam – If the MOC takes over Dean completely, then he more than likely kill Sam. It could be the cliffhanger, where MOC/Dean attempts to stab Sam with the blade, and the screen goes black before he finishes him. And we spend the whole hiatus summer wondering whether he killed Sam, or himself. I am still on the edge of my seat wondering if Abel will show up? I also wonder where the Mark of Cain will take all of are major characters by the finale’s end.

Who will make it out ALIVE!

And who’s turn is it to die this summer? 

I like the idea that some have said that it would be an interesting turn around twist, if Crowley ends up dying (my idea) and is bought back from the dead by Rowena?

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So do any of you guys have any further thoughts ….. You know the drill!

20 replies to “Thoughts on the rest of the season?

  1. So far only Crowley has not been killed, but technically is he alive? It poses the question about demons doesn’t it. The demon knife does have the ability to kill them as i would imagine the First Blade would as well as seen by the effect it has had on Cain who is a bigger bad than the run of the mill demon. Rowena would have a spell that could fake death if they go that route. Not sure anyone will die in the finale this season as the writers seem to be changing it up a bit. I hope it isn’t Cole as he seems to be a good add in from time to time and well liked by fans. Dean wants to spend his time saving people and not concentrating on the mark while Sam wants to look for a solution other than learning to live with it. There is a matter of Cas’ waning grace which has yet to be resolved, so I wonder if he has to make the ultimate sacrifice and give up his remaining grace rather than using the blade on Dean. Just a thought. I still would like to see Dean go back to Purgatory as I think this region had more to explore.


    1. This was a computer error. Please ignore the C. The season rates much higher than that at this point, but I refrain from a grade for the season since it has a few more episodes to go. Often, the season’s episodes fit better once the finale hits the fan. So far, it is a solid season with a few misses, but mostly entertaining and thought provoking.


  2. Guys! Guys! It is not the end! I think they just quelled the demonic side that the Mark was giving Dean. And by they I mean Cas and Sam. Cas, I don’t think did a grace transfer but the fact that his eyes glowed blue when he grabbed Dean…idk it seemed he needed all the strength. And of course Sam injected him with human blood. Since, he was not a run of the mill demon, I am sure the “curing” had no effect. None whatsoever. We will see demon Dean again but just more like Cain was.


  3. i just want this season to end it been a bad season. they didnt even try on the whole deanmon thing he was there and gone just like that. Im starting to want supernatural to end if it doesnt pick up.


    1. “i just want this season to end it been a bad season. they didnt even try on the whole deanmon thing he was there and gone just like that. Im starting to want supernatural to end if it doesnt pick up.”

      This season IMHO is so much better than the last 2. I love the MOC storyline and for me personally I got just the right amount of Demon!Dean. I think they couldn’t have him be a demon for too long cause then they would run the risk of him doing stuff that we wouldn’t forgive him for doing. I was actually glad to see him human again. I hope the show goes on for 5 more years.


      1. 5 more years is really pushing it the show is running on fumes i give it 2 more seasons its just nothing suprises me in this show anymore


        1. “5 more years is really pushing it the show is running on fumes i give it 2 more seasons its just nothing suprises me in this show anymore”

          That’s your opinion. I still love the show. I thought this season was really good. Maybe its time for you to move on? Maybe you have outgrown the show?


          1. i still like it enough to record it and watch it later i think its the whole part of sam injecting dean with blood seemed too easy and why not have dean go on a killing rampage and turn dark and be the villain of season 10


            1. I still love the show and it has been renewed for another season. I hope it has another few years in it but there’s a part of me that is open to the show ending for whatever reasons the main actors choose to give for wanting to stop.

              Other than that, I think this is one of the best seasons since season five and a lot of what’s happened, in the past two, has made me rethink how I feel about seasons six and seven, which I disliked, at the time.


              1. “Other than that, I think this is one of the best seasons since season five and a lot of what’s happened, in the past two, has made me rethink how I feel about seasons six and seven, which I disliked, at the time.”

                Me too-I still hate 9, and 8 had its boring moments *cough* Samelia *cough*-but 8 did have purgatory and purgatory Dean which made it watchable for me. I am really liking this season.


            2. “i still like it enough to record it and watch it later i think its the whole part of sam injecting dean with blood seemed too easy and why not have dean go on a killing rampage and turn dark and be the villain of season 10”

              Because it would ruin the character. They can’t make Dean so evil that he can’t be forgiven. I like the fact that even as a demon, Dean is relatively in control and not all out evil. Like there was still a part of human Dean at the wheel IMHO.Sam and Dean have done bad things but not evil things…thats what keeps us coming back, to watch them fight the good fight-making decisions that are sometimes not the best, just like you and me, but never EVIL acts.


  4. I have not made a comment in a long while, but honestly I think Rowena just wants to gain control of Hell. And she now has a part of it because Crowley has let her manipulate him to no end. She is inside his head and has him by the ankles. He thinks he is running things but she is. The only advantage she would have with the blade is actually attempting to do what Crowley did in the first place; control Dean with it. Since the blade has been given to Cas I believe he has become número uno on Crowley and Rowena’s list. That is if Rowena’s intentions are to gain control of a Knight of Hell and in the end quite possibly using that Knight (Dean) to eliminate Crowley entirely. Forgive me, this turned out longer than I expected. To be honest I did not think I was paying that much attention to the Rowena and Crowley story line.


    1. Idk. Although the Crowley/Dean storyline started the season together, I don’t see any of these threads-rowena, Crolwey and Deanmon, coming together later. They appear,cro far, to all be separate stories. But hey! The writers are really good at surprising me, sometimes.


      1. I bet they will surprise you because I don’t see the point in making a separate Crowley/Rowena storyline if it isn’t going to tie back to the boys somehow, especially Dean. But I understand how irritating this season has been with it’s story arcs/lines all over the place, nonetheless I am certain we will be in for surprise when they come back for the next half of the season!


        1. Actually I like the story lines being separate, but you’re right, they have to tie it to them somehow. It’ll probably be something to do with Crowley and them at the last second becasue I don’t see Rowena surviving until next season. She might. I just don’t see it so far.

          I haven’t actually found the storyline of the season all over the place either. There are several major themes they seem to be emphasizing this season. Family, Women, reconciliation with the past, repair and the Mark of Cain. These themes aren’t all over the place but have been showcased in every single episode. I think the problem is that since they have so many episodes, what progression we’ve seen on these issues is incredibly slow. Like standing in place slow.


    2. The Rowena/Crowley story is just under the surface this year, but the season is not over…yet. I expect it to take on more significance as we wrap up season 10. Nobody has heard whether Sheppard or Collins have been resigned have they?


    1. Rowena is using the acquisition of the blade for a bigger purpose. She sees a bigger picture that includes her rise to power or at least regaining her position in the coven thru the manipulation of her son. She could care less about Dean’s issue as Crowley still seems to feel connected to Dean in some way even if it is to use Dean to protect his own existence.


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