XI: Winchester Brothers Report “I can’t help it if I’m a hopeless romantic.”

Melissa wears a red dress. She fixes Dan’s red tie. “As handsome as the day I met you.” Red roses in their living room, a red Valentine’s Day Card in the bedroom… Sounds like a night for romance for the college sweethearts. James Hunter begs to differ. “Heartbreak,” he warns, “Always takes you another one with it.”

Stacy’s another one. The nanny, how cliché. She comes in with her red polish, and sprawls over their white couch. Be careful what you wish for, the monster will give it to ya. Matching rings. No silver, no diamond. One for Stacy and another for Dan. Red, gaping holes where their cheating hearts used to be. “Love Hurts”, and as James reminds, “Heartbreak, never stops at one, always comes in pairs.”

Happy “Unattached Drifter Christmas”, everyone!

suit porn sam and dean by timetraveldean

Dean’s favorite holiday: “And? It was Valentine’s Day.”

It’s Dean’s favorite holiday and he’s been celebrating all night, doing his “civic duty” in Kansas, “helping all the single ladies”. He drags himself into the MOL kitchen, dishevelled, love bite on his neck, possibly hungover, and in need of fresh coffee, and… according to Sam, a fresh shower too.

“Didn’t you just get lucky?”
“That was in Kansas.”

Work hard, play hard. Mr. Right Now’s a professional and he knows how to multitask. Four states, three witnesses and two dead bodies later, Agent Weller takes time off his busy schedule to try to “scrape” a few more hearts off the ballroom floor. There are single women in need of a hero in Ohio too. And they say chivalry is dead.

Sam, Dean and Melissa at the Too Tired motel: “The Kiss of Death”

A dead husband isn’t what Melissa had in mind for Valentine’s Day. The spell was only supposed to be bring him back to her, but it turns out her hairdresser, a witch named Sonia, actually gave her a curse, The Kiss of Death. The murders are carried out by a Qareen, a creature that executes the commands of the one who possesses their heart, literally. The curse is transmitted through a kiss and like the rabbit foot from “Bad Day at Black Rock”, you can divert it from yourself by passing it on to someone else. When death comes from Melissa in the form of her already dead husband, Dean kisses her and turns himself into the target.

Dean and the Qareen: “The real Amara does have a hold on me.”

The Qareen takes on the form of their victim “deepest and darkest desire”. Dean jokes that his has been Daisy Dukes since he was seven. It looks like things have changed since “Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire”. The creature comes in the form of Amara.

She has Emily’s bewitching voice. She has her words, beckoning Dean to surrender. “Why fight it, just give in.” She has Amara’s plunging neckline too, and the camera lingers over it as she says “when it comes to this you can’t help yourself” (Whaaat?!). She calls what she sees in his heart “love”, and one that is “cloaked in shame”. Dean admits to all of it “You know what, you’re right.” He also, finally, admits it to Sam.

Sam and Dean, no more secrets: “It was Amara.”

“You seriously think the sister of God is my deepest, darkest desire?”
“She isn’t?”
“No! She can’t be!”
“Why not?”

Not only is Sam not surprised, he’s known for a while and he understands the situation better than Dean expected. He knows Dean wants to kill The Darkness. He also knows Dean’s been beating himself up over the strange feelings he has for her because he believes these feelings make him “weak, complicit, evil”.

sam you had no choice by timetraveldean

Sam exonerates Dean from any responsibility and tries to make him see that the sister of God never gave him a choice. Dean doesn’t want to compare what going on with Amara to “love” or “desire”, but he confesses he can’t kill her. The hunter, the soldier and big brother are defeated. Dean said they broke it together, but now he’s leaving Sam alone to face the enemy. Sam’s answer?

“I got it, Dean.”

I’m gonna need a minute.


Overall grade: 8.5/10

Show, if you’d shown us the scene where Dean gets his hickey, this would have been a 9. Just sayin… Gutter mind aside, I liked this episode. I was entertained by the characters of the tragic love triangle, the bratty baby sitter, the confused husband, the frightened wife, and while I didn’t care for the witch, I liked the MOTW.

Shapeshifters are my favorite monsters. This wasn’t a shapeshifter, but it had all the qualities, the morphing into other people, downloading their thoughts, the mandroid eyes (hey, Ronald), and none of the nauseating pile of melted flesh and bones that usually come with the genuine article. Plus, it turned into my darling Amara (I miss her, seriously). Win win!

The boys were sickeningly handsome in their brand new coats. A bit distracting, actually (in a good way). They are for sure, the best dressed hunters in the land.

I also watch for the plot, and I love watching the brothers work. 11 years later, I’m still excited to see the EMF, a lock pic, or in this case, a tacky motel room, the synchronized motion of their flashlights in the middle of the night while they’re breaking and entering, or the inside of Baby’s trunk! I enjoy their “hunter moments” and Dean handing Melissa a silver pen to write down her contact information as a way to test her reminded me of the way he swapped Not!Adam’s cutlery with a silver knife and fork in “Jump the Shark”.

More than anything, I live for Winchester moments and this episode was filled with them. Domestic broments, fun broments, historical broments! Come on, Dean winning rock paper scissors? “My Heart Will Go On” doesn’t count. It was an semi-alternate universe, and Dean winning was the first sign that something was way off, but this win, is cause for celebration, if only for that cute little victory spin he did.

And then they were the important broments. Barb and I were discussing Dean not talking to Sam about Amara in the “Into the Mystic” Report. We agreed that Dean was ashamed but that Sam would understand and that the conversation needed to be had. The way the episode dealt with this particular issue exceeded my expectations and frankly, aside from Dean not asking Sam to be his Valentine (“Bloody Valentine”, Mannequin”, anyone?), the Winchesters were close to flawless in “Love Hurts”.


The funny Winchester moments

Dean’s reaction after he smelled himself. Jensen, I love you so.

dean smelling himself by sasquatchandleatherjacket

“The Art of Dyeing. Well, can’t say she didn’t warn you.”

the art of dyeing by timetraveldean

Dean’s cracking jokes about the ominous name of the witch’s hair salon.  He should be more sensitive. The woman’s husband just died. Doesn’t stop me from chuckling in the corner.

the art of dyeing she warned you by timetraveldean

“Witch killing bullets.”

witch killing bullets by devoiddean

“We gotta come up with a better name than that.”

When Sam threatened Rowena with “hollow tips filled with witch-killing brew” in “Brother’s Keeper”, I remember thinking they needed a better expression for it. Apparently, Dean and I share a brain or parts of one.

witch killing bullets need a better name by devoiddean

Young man, just last week, I was talking about table manners.

dean being gross in the kitchen by itsokaysammy

Dean was being such a gross little boy in that kitchen, I have half a mind to grab Missouri’s spoon. Kidding. I know he’s killing Sam over there but he’s making me smile.


The Domestic broments

It gives me great joy to observe the Winchesters in their bunker habitat, watch Dean roam around in his grey robe, Sam, barefoot in his sweats, and the two of them casually planning their day at the breakfast table, or… teasing each other about Valentine’s Day.

“What did you do, Judjy? Curl up in your snuggie, watch 50 Shades on cable?”

sam and dean judgy 50 shades banter'' by mooseleys

Dean pictures Sam huddled in bed watching soft porn. (Now I have to see Sam’s snuggie. I’m taking for granted that he has one.)

sam and dean judgy 50 shades banter''' by mooseleys

And Sam basically calls Dean a lost cause.

samn and dean hopeless romantic by sasquatchandleatherjacket

“Can’t help it of I’m a hopeless romantic.”
“You got half of that right.”

samn and dean hopeless romantic just hopeless by sasquatchandleatherjacket

I felt that one in my spirit. Well played, Sam.


Best Dean moment: his reaction to winning rock paper scissors

Rock paper scissors is serious business with the Winchesters. Dean’s especially intense during the process and Sam’s only become casual about it because he’s gotten too comfortable.

deans victory spin by artemiskitsune

“Dean. Always with the scissors.” Not this time, Samuel!

dean wins rockpaperscissors by itsokaysammy


Best broment: “If you think I’m gonna blame you or judge you. I’m not.”

it was amara by artemiskitsune

Dean told the truth about Amara, and Sam welcomed it with open arms. There were no accusations, no yelling and no one storming out to “get some air”. I know many of us have been asking for this kind openness between the brothers and I know some of us had given up on it. I certainly didn’t expect a scene like this so soon after the major conversation they had about Sam’s decisions while Dean was in Purgatory in “Into the Mystic”. This is maturity. I’m almost afraid to get used to it.


Best Sam moment: “I got it, Dean.”

sam i got it by sasquatchandleatherjacket

“I’m just saying, you don’t have to do this.” “Trying to carry the weight by yourself.”

When Dean takes on the curse to protect Melissa, Sam’s not too happy with him. He’s seen it countless times before. Dean running towards a cliff, ready to be a “martyr” and sacrifice himself without thinking too much about it. Many times, Sam’s told Dean that he wasn’t alone, and didn’t have to carry the weight of the world by himself. In “Love Hurts”, he makes it easy for Dean to unload his Darkness-sized burden on him and has a simple but powerful answer for his brother when Dean confesses, “I can’t do it.”

“I got it, Dean.”

My heart is so full…


Juicy bit: “Just how bad is it?”

dean rattled by yourfavoritedirector

So, just how bad is it? I’m still trying to figure it out. Since “Into the Mystic”, we’ve learn that Amara’s making Dean vulnerable. In “Love Hurts” I found it again to be true. The man who snarks at gods and archangels who have him by the throat, seemed unsteady on his feet looking at Amara’s doppelganger. Lady Darkness seems to be draining the fight out of Dean.

sam worried by unicorncastiell

As for Sam, he looked deeply troubled at the end of the episode. He’s spent a whole year, fighting to separate Dean from the Mark that was trying to claim his soul. Now, the incarnation of the Mark at her full power, the sister of God herself, is still fighting to possess Dean. I fear for Sam’s sanity when he finds Lucifer is also back on the scene. Dear boy…


Final verdict

suit porn sam and dean by mooseleys

I really liked this episode. The guest characters were entertaining. Jensen was delightful as the unattached drifter trying to make the most of the holiday in spite of his worries. Jared touched my heart as the younger sibling offering to carry the weight to help his big brother.

The face-off with the monster-of-the-week led to amazing character development for our heroes. Dean finally opened up about his difficult feelings for Amara and Sam, who’s always known a lot more than he was letting on, welcomed his confession with the kind of acceptance and understanding Dean didn’t think he deserved.

I want to praise Sam for the way he reacted to the confession and I believe he drew from personal experience to communicate with Dean effectively. He easily put into words the feelings Dean was struggling with, and his intuitive understanding of the situation gave us another window into Sam’s own troubled past. I appreciate the subtle link being made between their stories and the way it was used to promote a better understanding between them. At this point in time, neither of them is holding on to a secret. How long has it been? The honesty is refreshing and I’m enjoying it while it lasts.

It seems we keep learning more about Amara’s effect on Dean while he’s away from her. He’s had to face some uncomfortable truths about his own feelings towards her and I’m dying to see what will happen the next time they meet.

“I’m screwed, man.”

Maybe not, Dean. You don’t have to do it alone. Sam can shoulder some of the weight if you let him. See love doesn’t just hurt. It can heal too. But this is Supernatural we’re talking about. How do you suppose Sam is going to carry that weight? Defeat Amara? I’m sure Lucifer has a few ideas he’d like to share. It does look like the brothers can’t catch a break, but they’ve also defeated every enemy they ever had. They’re strong together, and they will figure it out. I have faith in them.

I’m curious. Do you think Sam will say yes to Lucifer before the end of the season?



XI : Winchester Brothers Report
11.01 “We Broke It, We Bought It”
11.02 “That Giant, Crazy Fart”
11.03 “And I have a fake badge”
11.04 “We’re home”
11.05 “That whole sensitive verbal massage”
11.06 “She overpowered me, end of story”
11.07 “What do you mean, killer bunny?”
11.08 “The family that showers together”
11.09 “If Sam’s not safe, it’s not happening”
11A Midseason Report Card “So, lock and key?”
11.10 “Sam can’t talk cause he’s waxing…”
11.11 “All that’s ever mattered is that we’re together”
11.12 “And when you mix it up with the potatoes and the beans”

 Gif credits





53 replies to “XI: Winchester Brothers Report “I can’t help it if I’m a hopeless romantic.”

  1. I said something in my recaap of the episode about ean and Amara. I hear people saying that their relationship is an abusive one as if Amara is “abusing” of Dean. I absolutely disagree. They made clear since 11×01 that they are bound. THEY. No Dean to Amara but both to each other. I think the main cause of these criticisms is that we only have watched the power Amara holds over Dean but what about the power Dean holds her? When the mark was broken the bound between them was created. So as clearly the bound goes both sides I wouldn’t say she’s “abusing of him” I would say the difference is that Dean doesn’t want to feel that way because he sees her as a monster and Dean’s monster politics has always been pretty radicals. On the other hand Amara does sees Dean as someone who’s worth the affection the bound had made her to have. I like to see you’re not the one of them.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “I hear people saying that their relationship is an abusive one as if Amara is “abusing” of Dean. I absolutely disagree. They made clear since 11×01 that they are bound. THEY. No Dean to Amara but both to each other.”

      I was never on the ‘Amara is abusing Dean’ train. She’s not some evil force trying to crush and destroy him. She’s a primordial force who’s quite infantile in the way she looks at the world and who doesn’t understand humans, probably because she’s been locked up since before they became a thing. I do not believe she means Dean any harm. While I’m afraid of the power she has over him, and that that power could be hurting Dean (even if that’s not what Amara set out to do), I love their dynamic and I hope the writers don’t chicken out and go all out with this storyline.

      “I think the main cause of these criticisms is that we only have watched the power Amara holds over Dean but what about the power Dean holds her? When the mark was broken the bound between them was created. So as clearly the bound goes both sides I wouldn’t say she’s “abusing of him” I would say the difference is that Dean doesn’t want to feel that way because he sees her as a monster and Dean’s monster politics has always been pretty radicals.”

      I think that’s a great point. We don’t think about the power Dean holds over Amara because he’s just a human and she’s basically God, but he does have power over her. As she was growing up she looked positively transfixed by him. As a young woman, she told him she was fascinated by him, and it showed. It doesn’t look like she has complete control over the way she feels about him. It’s like her desire to protect him is more than benevolence towards Dean or even affection. There’s a bond there and she just HAS to intervene when he’s hurt, in front of her. She’s got him under her skin too.

      “On the other hand Amara does sees Dean as someone who’s worth the affection the bound had made her to have. I like to see you’re not the one of them.”

      Thanks. Like you I enjoy this storyline and I hope we see a lot more of Dean and Amara in the coming episodes. I’m slightly annoyed by her absence to be perfectly honest. I need for this part of the story to start moving forward lol. Thanks for you comment 🙂


      1. “As a young woman, she told him she was fascinated by him, and it showed. It doesn’t look like she has complete control over the way she feels about him. It’s like her desire to protect him is more than benevolence towards Dean or even affection. There’s a bond there and she just HAS to intervene when he’s hurt, in front of her. She’s got him under her skin too.

        I wish they would SHOW that a little more.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Despite Dean being in the center of the MOw in 11.3, it is equally Sam’s story. It is so Sam to comment on Dean’s hickey, to endure his sloppy eating and slurping, and to be truthful about how he is brother reeks from the night before’s adventures. He never does say how he spent the evening, does he? Did he research or is Dean as correct about him as he is about his brother. They know each other so well. Fandom use your imagination on that one! I liked how Sam told Dean to go be himself when Dean feels the need for a beer and whatever else he can muster. Sam is also himself throughout the episode. It is so Sam to stay at home and research. It is so Sam to qualify his difficult question to Melissa about the affair by saying it is a hard question but he has to ask it. It is so Dean to outright accuse the husband of the affair-no niceties- just the facts. It is so Sam and Dean playing rock, paper, scissors. So Sam saying whatever at that game and so Dean spinning around in glee over a tiny victory. It is so Sam bringing along the witch killing bullets- what else can they be called? It is so Sam, picking locks to desks and boxes. It is so Sam getting whammied into a chair by a witch- It is so Sam this season having something turn his neck a different color. It is nice to see that Sam saves Dean- thus the vortex spins! It is so Sam to not be judgmental of Dean’s needs and wants and affliction which is called Amara. It is so Sam to reach out to Dean to tell him he need not be the martyr when Dean takes on the curse. It is so Sam when he shares the burden with Dean and says “I got this, Dean”. It is so Sam to already know the shame Dean feels about Amara.
    Yes, the montage in tribute to holiday episodes is great. Yes, the kitchen moment, the motel moments, the fight moments all solid. The denouement- Dean’s vulnerability and truth and Sam’s acknowledgment and acceptance of Dean- this is where the love hurts.
    Seemingly a one off story about the pain of love wrapped into a MOW episode, but it is clearly about the the brothers. Love hurts. Look at Sam’s expression in the last scene.
    The motel “Too Tired” at first I thought it was a reference to sex since it is a Valentine’s Day episode, but the brilliant set design with racing flag wall paper and tires as decoration shows that a different kind of love, brotherly, is in play. Good move show!
    You ask if Sam will lose it and say yes to Lucifer? Sam told Lucifer he was at a point of willing to watch the people he loves die rather than say yes. The writers tend not to repeat the same trope with the same actor, and they have Casifer/Lustiel in play. Yes, Love Hurts. Love requires sacrifice. Do I think that Sam is going to have to be the one to solve the Darkness? Yep. Dean has already said he cannot do it- not even his love for Sam is strong enough. (Glad the clarification that Dean does not love Amara and has no control is clarified and glad that Sam explains the Dean has no choice- although the ‘rapey’ scenario flirts here).
    As in the beginning, Sam uses holy oil and fire to purify the citizens of the rabid disease- thinking that is a set up for Sam to be Sam.
    What makes me uneasy is that the renewal has yet to happen. This arc has that kind of finale finale set up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Despite Dean being in the center of the MOw in 11.3, it is equally Sam’s story.”

      I agree. I honestly find that most episodes are about the both of them. Sometimes one is more central, sometimes the other. I see them as 2 sides of the same coins and aside from season 8 (that season where Carver came in to destroy the brothers and write his own spin off within the show), what touches one always affects the other. It’s what I like the most about the show.

      “It is so Sam to comment on Dean’s hickey, to endure his sloppy eating and slurping, and to be truthful about how he is brother reeks from the night before’s adventures.”

      I love it when Sam puts his teasing little brother hat on. It suits him. Can’t let Dean have all the fun lol.

      “He never does say how he spent the evening, does he? Did he research or is Dean as correct about him as he is about his brother. They know each other so well. Fandom use your imagination on that one!”

      Sam never tells. He does say, “Yeah… no.” but I still I can’t get the image of Sam in a snuggie out of my mind.

      “I liked how Sam told Dean to go be himself when Dean feels the need for a beer and whatever else he can muster. Sam is also himself throughout the episode …………….. It is nice to see that Sam saves Dean- thus the vortex spins!”

      Love your Sam analysis, Deb! He was amazing throughout the episode.

      “It is so Sam to not be judgmental of Dean’s needs and wants and affliction which is called Amara. It is so Sam to reach out to Dean to tell him he need not be the martyr when Dean takes on the curse. It is so Sam when he shares the burden with
      Dean and says “I got this, Dean”. It is so Sam to already know the shame Dean feels about Amara.”

      Sam’s not real, but I wanted to hug him for an hour after this episode. I have no words. He was perfect..

      “The denouement- Dean’s vulnerability and truth and Sam’s acknowledgment and acceptance of Dean- this is where the love hurts. Seemingly a one off story about the pain of love wrapped into a MOW episode, but it is clearly about the the brothers. Love hurts. Look at Sam’s expression in the last scene.”

      I agree. That’s why I had to put the gif of Sam at the end of the episode up. Jared did such an amazing job there. His quiet devastation hit me in the gut. And I know he’s going to be strong and keep up appearances because he knows he has to be Dean’s rock right now. Sigh. These beautiful, broken boys,

      “The motel “Too Tired” at first I thought it was a reference to sex since it is a Valentine’s Day episode, but the brilliant set design with racing flag wall paper and tires as decoration shows that a different kind of love, brotherly, is in play. Good move show!”

      I have to look at this one again. I missed it.

      “Dean has already said he cannot do it- not even his love for Sam is strong enough”

      I didn’t see it as Dean’s love for Sam not being strong enough. It would imply he has control over it and is somehow failing Sam. I’m actually convinced he will pull through for Sam at the moment Sam needs it the most. It might be a split second sacrifice like when Sam regained control of his body as Lucifer was getting close to destroy Dean but I really see something like this happening.

      “What makes me uneasy is that the renewal has yet to happen. This arc has that kind of finale finale set up.”

      I wouldn’t be. The CW usually announce the renewals for all its show at the same time, not separately. The president already said a few weeks ago that J2 basically decides when the show ends and they said countless times they’re not going anywhere. I’m confident 🙂


  3. “Dean, do you ever think you had any choice in the matter?”

    Isn’t this called rape?–-

    One aspect of Dean Amara has no control over, this trait is invisible to her–his innocent, boy, playfulness.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ghoulish, professional, clean-up Crew the family hired to deal with the physical stuff left behind by violence was at the murder house working away. The two “detectives” walk past the blue clad men in oxygen mask to keep the stink away, so common to their world they do not “see” the workers.

      Who was it we saw cleaning up the cold, dead blood off the floor of the bunker with a rag moping up blood in a bowl of reddening water, on his knees like a scurry maid? Sam.

      Somehow it is easier to see Sam moping blood, while Dean is seen straightening and picking up the destroyed, putting the wreck of everything back in its proper place. One cleansing and the other mending.

      It is a sad fact that Isreal has their own special group of sanctified (set aside) Jewish men who reverently remove all traces of a Jewish victim of a terrorist attack down to the last smug of their blood.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Israel’s service folk who pick up every scrap of blood from a victim, do so in order that the entire corporial essence be buried together. It is not a matter of neatness. You are observant to notice that Dean straightens up. Many folks in law enforcement and crime scene investigation “get used to” the smell of corpses so this is not unexpected when the boys are FBI agents and detached. Contrast the scene to when the hunter brothers find Charile. Sam pukes into his sleeve. Dean is motionless as his eyes fill.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Guilt is there as well, but you would think after so many awful deaths, he would not have such a physical reaction to the gore. That’s why this reaction is so needed and the writers could have just ignored it. It is Charlie and it hits home-she was their sister in arms.

            Liked by 1 person

      2. “Who was it we saw cleaning up the cold, dead blood off the floor of the bunker with a rag moping up blood in a bowl of reddening water, on his knees like a scurry maid? Sam.’

        I wish they’d kept that scene on the show. I found it significant. Sam facing the results of Dean’s descent into madness, and trying to bring order and humanity back into their home. It made me sad. I thought it was an important Sam moment. Sigh.


        1. Sam moping up cold, sticky blood on his hands and knees in that ever reddening water. Sam drunk on Demon blood licking the hot red, thick, iron-sulfur sirup out of Ruby into his mouth. Sam standing by his brother in a witch’s lair listening to Dean tell him all there was to tell. .Does Amara think she can steal Sammy from Dean’s side? She was locked away in the Dark while Sammy the child grew to the Man we know Sam to now be. She does not even know what it is to come between Sam and his brother. She is about to find out.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. “Does Amara think she can steal Sammy from Dean’s side?
            She does not even know what it is to come between Sam and his brother. She is about to find out.”

            She is pretty clueless. I don’t think she even realizes who Sam is. Her sole focus is Dean. She’s going to learn that someone else has a problem with her plans for Dean. Sam let her out of the box, and history’s proven he will get you back in. Ask Lucifer.


      1. Because it is network they will probably stay away from an actual rape. but if any show were to take it on, it would be this one. Rape of any being male or female is a crime of power. Dean is powerless when he is near Amara. She is offering him “bliss”- what is that? She is powerful and yet doesn’t understand much about humanity. Why is it acceptable to have shows that deal with rape on females but the networks shy away from rape on males. So much for open minded and liberal characterizations of TV. Most shows just won’t go there. The one that is on”American Crime” is not doing so well with viewers. In a way Sam was raped by Meg when she took his body in the early season and Dean “joked” if off as “That girl was up in you for a week.” Rape is rape. Okay- enough of a rant. Back to a light hearted story of monsters, bro moments, good looking folks, angels and demons and humans and choreographed fight scenes. Apologize in advance for getting off topic-please no hate responses. I love our show. Everyone deserves love.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. “She is powerful and yet doesn’t understand much about humanity.”

          That much is clear. She’s always bewildered that he’s resisting and wants a choice in the matter. She thinks she’s offering the world and that their destiny’s written in the stars. She doesn’t process the concept of free will, which, interestingly enough is what her brother’s supposed to be about. He probably sealed away because he was afraid she would turn his precious “flawed, murderous abortions” (that’s Lucifer’s name for humans), into stepford mannequins floating around in a never-ending state of bliss.

          “The one that is on”American Crime” is not doing so well with viewers.”

          I watch American Crime and I love the show (Felicity Huffman, how much do I love thee). I hear it’s been struggling in the ratings since season 1 which wasn’t about male rape. Did the rating take another nosedive in season 2?

          “Because it is network they will probably stay away from an actual rape. but if any show were to take it on, it would be this one. Rape of any being male or female is a crime of power.”

          You are right in stating that networks shy away from male rape but Supernatural’s always been pretty overt about it in my opinion. From Dean talking about handing a male character to a “lifetime of demon rape” to Lucifer calling Sam his “bitch, in every sense of the word”, the only thing they’re not doing is showing the actual act (which I’m grateful for).

          “In a way Sam was raped by Meg when she took his body in the early season and Dean “joked” if off as “That girl was up in you for a week.”’

          I see a lot of non-consensual sexual contact in Supernatural. People being whammied into relationships started in “Simon Said” with Andrew Gallagher using his psychic powers to sleep with women. Then there was Hope who was whammied into an engagement via Babylonian coin in “Wishful Thinking”. The lady from “Trial and Error” spent her life with a man who couldn’t have laid a finger on her without a crossroad’s deal. A lot of fans also complained about vessels being used by angels for sex, etc.

          “Rape is rape. Okay- enough of a rant. Back to a light hearted story of monsters, bro moments, good looking folks, angels and demons and humans and choreographed fight scenes. Apologize in advance for getting off topic-please no hate responses. I love our show. Everyone deserves love.”

          Rant away, Deb, we all have things that are important to us in the show. You’re not getting anymore hate from me that I get when I rant about Carver and how repulsive I find his I didn’t look storyline. I also think the comment section should be a safe space for discussion, no matter what kind. Everybody feel free to let it all hang out in response to these reports. I don’t scare easy lol.

          I certainly respect people’s opinions on the topic and will never dismiss them. I’m just a little surprised that this is the one topic people seem to have a problem with in a show about serial murder, torture and all kinds of horror. When fans complain about vessels being used by the angel possessing them for sex, I wonder why these same vessels being used as canon fodder to be torn, shredded, maimed and slaughtered doesn’t elicit much emotion. Once they give their consent, they have no more say about anything, That is the unfortunate deal a vessel makes when they say yes.

          I’m also a bit taken aback by the non-shipper outrage about Amara (I completely dismiss those whose real issue is Dean looking at a female presenting being, stay mad) but I guess I’ve always seen SPN as a horror show based on unhealthy people in unhealthy relationships doing unhealthy things. It explains my unwavering love for the psycho killers known as Crowley, Cain and Abaddon. It also explains why I never had an issue with Dean tricking Sam into being possessed by Gadreel and why I rolled my eyes when Dean was huffing and puffing about Sam using the Book of the Damned like he’d do anything different.

          Oh well, different strokes. What matters in the end is that we do love our crazy little show ˂3

          Liked by 1 person

          1. “I’m just a little surprised that this is the one topic people seem to have a problem with in a show about serial murder, torture and all kinds of horror”

            I guess its because its DEAN. Hasn’t he had enough? Sam too? I think it’s about time our heroes got a win without giving up a part of their souls.

            Liked by 1 person

      2. Control–subjection–consuming personality–the white hot burning away of self masking as passion–already addiction

        No wonder Sam is pondering what is ahead and what it is going to take too save his brother and pull out more than just chunks from Amara the soul sucker.

        Sam is past worry, yet doing a superior job of keeping himself together, his brother’s sole refuge while Dean is doing his ‘nothing is wrong’ routine in order to survive, and for the first time they are honest when it may be already too late. And they both know it.

        Oh my! No limp, washed out season 11 episodes here!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. “Control–subjection–consuming personality–the white hot burning away of self masking as passion–already addiction”

          Agree 100%. I remember comparing Amara to a drug for Dean in lkeke’s review for the Banshee episode. Susannahh agreed and called her his heroin. Addiction is what I see when Dean is tossing and turning in his bed and looking at Amara with an unsettling mix of hunger and terror.

          “No wonder Sam is pondering what is ahead and what it is going to take too save his brother and pull out more than just chunks from Amara the soul sucker.”

          Fantastic point. I look at Dean these days and it looks to me like Amara is eating chunks of him every day that goes by. He’s vulnerable and he’s weakening. If he takes a shot of the Amara drug, I wonder if he’ll come back from it.
          We will become 1 she says. I understand what she meant a lot better now. She invading his mind, spirit and body and she’s sucking the life force out of him. He’s getting parts of her, she’s getting parts of him.
          I don’t mind this storyline at all because I find it very interesting. How will Sam separate Dean from Amara if they become the same THING? I don’t want to miss a minute of that show.

          “Sam is past worry, yet doing a superior job of keeping himself together, his brother’s sole refuge while Dean is doing his ‘nothing is wrong’ routine in order to survive, and for the first time they are honest when it may be already too late. And they both know it.”

          Love this analysis. I see it too although I don’t believe Dean is pretending ‘nothing is wrong’ anymore. He doesn’t have the strength.


      3. The process started when Dean was kidnaped from the car, yet so smooth only Dean could catch it even as he is wound up in Amara coils of darkness.

        More pronounced each hypnotic invasion. Each know and, remarkable, can openly find the strength to look at another without having to gag the words out. Without overwhelming the other with a chick-flick gush that would destroy Dean. When Dean was on the verge of being cast into Hell, Sammy yearned to hold his brother and weep in early grief. Driving the Impala, Dean gave his brother a stern look, “No chick-flick moments” and Sam found somehow to respect his brother’s wishes.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. “The process started when Dean was kidnaped from the car, yet so smooth only Dean could catch it even as he is wound up in Amara coils of darkness.”

          Love this, South! It’s actually a great image because what Amara’s doing now is what she’s been doing since the moment she ‘met’ Dean. She took him from the driver’s seat and from the wheel, which symbolizes the control he has over his life, as a man and a hunter.

          “hypnotic invasion.”

          This is the best description I’ve seen for what Amara’s doing to Dean. Wow.

          “Each know and, remarkable, can openly find the strength to look at another without having to gag the words out. Without overwhelming the other with a chick-flick gush that would destroy Dean.”

          Sam was amazing during that conversation. He couldn’t have communicated with Dean more effectively. It was a shining moment for him. Sometimes I forget how well he knows Dean.

          “When Dean was on the verge of being cast into Hell, Sammy yearned to hold his brother and weep in early grief. Driving the Impala, Dean gave his brother a stern look, “No chick-flick moments” and Sam found somehow to respect his brother’s wishes.”

          I wish Dean relaxed his rules and allowed Sam to have his so called “chick flick” moment once in a while, but then I remember that when Dean gets all mother hen and starts crowding Sam with concern and emotion, Sam gets uncomfortable and grumpy. Good thing they understand each other because I don’t get it sometimes lol.


      4. But where do you think they’re going with all this love, desire, kissing, attraction, bonded, destined, become 1 talk… I’m seriously curious to hear other perspectives because I’ve been waiting for them to get it on since I saw the set up in the premiere. Honest question, not trolling.


        1. I obviously don’t know what exactly will happen, but I think firstly somehow Crowley escapes…we will need him without Cas (will they get Cas back BEFORE their confrontation with Amara?) Sam will have a good plan that will go awry, through no fault of his own, and Dean will HAVE to face Amara to save Sam and he will win. I don’t know exactly how-if I did I wold be a writer! What do you think will happen?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. My question was Deanmara. I see a lot of “I hope they don’t go there”.
            I was saying that to me, their relationship has been framed as something that’s going THERE and that’s all I’ve ever seen since the premiere.

            It’s being framed around love, desire, attraction, you can’t resist this cleavage, becoming 1, all of which seems sexually charged to ME. So I’m asking those of you who don’t see it as sexual, where do YOU think it’s going? 🙂


            1. “It’s being framed around love, desire, attraction, you can’t resist this cleavage, becoming 1, all of which seems sexually charged to ME. So I’m asking those of you who don’t see it as sexual, where do YOU think it’s going? :)”

              I really don’t know. Maybe I am putting on blinders because I don’t want it to go that way! 😦

              Liked by 1 person

              1. I understand,. I really do.

                I checked out of season 4 because Sam touching Ruby made me physically sick. I was like I couldn’t look at him anymore. Didn’t help that I hated Ruby on sight (yes, from the moment she opened the door and asked for her pizza) and despised her more with each passing episode.

                Those were some dark days for me so I understand those of you who have a problem with Deanmara. A unpleasant pairing can suck the fun out of a whole season and I can think of one that would make me drop Supernatural altogether.

                Liked by 1 person

    2. “One aspect of Dean Amara has no control over, this trait is invisible to her–his innocent, boy, playfulness.”

      I don’t think she understands human emotions enough to process all that Dean is. The attraction is mostly based on the Mark and him being the first creation she’s ever seen.

      I also think she’s attracted by his light and magnetism but she doesn’t really know him. She also never gets to see the lighter side of him because he’s always on the defensive around her. Their relationship is weird and that’s exactly why I like it. I’m surrounded by nothing but normal people and Supernatural is my weekly dose of delicious crazy lol.


  4. OH! I forgot to say-Dean Winchester has finally won Rock Paper Scissors. And it wasn’t just one throw-it was like he had a strategy! That was the cutest scene ever! Jensen rocked it.

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  5. “Barb and I were discussing Dean not talking to Sam about Amara in the “Into the Mystic” Report. We agreed that Dean was ashamed but that Sam would understand and that the conversation needed to be had. The way the episode dealt with this particular issue exceeded my expectations”

    Oh wasn’t that a great scene! I couldn’t believe it actually happened. Maybe they are maturing??

    I give it an 8.5 too, it would have gotten a 9 if
    -as you said they showed the hickey moment 🙂
    -if this scene never happened “when it comes to this you can’t help yourself”

    I hated that. I don’t think it’s a sexual thing at all. They way Dean describes it, it certainly doesn’t sound like one.

    I know a lot of Dean fans are freaking out that Dean kind of put himself on the back burner-they think he is handing the myth-arc over to Sam, but I think that Dean is going to be the key…he is Amaras only weakness. I guess we will wait and see.

    BTW loving Sam this season!

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    1. “I know a lot of Dean fans are freaking out that Dean kind of put himself on the back burner-they think he is handing the myth-arc over to Sam, but I think that Dean is going to be the key…he is Amaras only weakness. I guess we will wait and see.”

      I completely agree. I don’t tend to share the “Dean doesn’t have story” concerns. I always find that he has plenty to do, countless occasions to be a hero, to save the day, to be the moral compass, to be the favorite, to be the center of attention, to slay the dragon, etc. My screen is so full of Jensen being unforgettable, magnetic and amazing, I’ve never felt deprived. Again, different strokes but this Dean girl is over the moon. The fact that I love Sam to pieces must help. I’m not bitter when he also has plenty to do. It’s almost like he’s the co-lead on the show. Oh wait! 😉

      “BTW loving Sam this season!”

      Barb, I want to make him a green smoothie, a salad shake and braid his hair right now. He’s too precious for this world and I’m loving the HELL out of him ˂3


      1. “I always find that he has plenty to do, countless occasions to be a hero, to save the day, to be the moral compass, to be the favorite, to be the center of attention, to slay the dragon, etc. ”

        So I’m not crazy! 🙂

        Sam and I did not have a good relationship when he didnt look for Dean, hated Benny on sight, and gave that speech (the speech that will not be named!) but the last 2 seasons he has won me over. Dean however *sigh*

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        1. “Sam and I did not have a good relationship when he didnt look for Dean”

          I’ve been ranting about it for 4 years. I’ll never get over it. The “Into the Mystic” conversation really helped but I will forever be mad at Carver for this.

          “the speech that will not be named!’

          I was amazed at the way Jared reacted to it. Jared, who never talks badly about Sam and defends him against the critics was liveblogging the episode on Twitter and he called Sam a “jerk” over that speech. He didn’t lie.

          “but the last 2 seasons he has won me over. Dean however *sigh*”

          Wait, why are you sighing about Dean? What did he do? Are you disappointed in our little cupcake? 😉


      2. My eyes just read faster taken by delightful surprise…..green smoothies…salad shakes and braiding hair…..sometimes it just HURTS to be female in a Sam world. I can just feel the essence of ‘girly shampoo and oh so rich conditioner’…I have got to stop while I am able.

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        1. “I can just feel the essence of ‘girly shampoo and oh so rich conditioner’…I have got to stop while I am able.”

          He’s pretty magical, isn’t he? I bet his hair smells like green apple and cucumber. I’m in love with the fox eyes and baby smooth cheeks. The height and shoulders are nice too. I should quit while I’m ahead. This is AO3 ;D

          Still, what a pleasant view…


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