XI: Winchester Brothers Report “You got him, I need him, let’s make a deal.”

The Bonnie to your Clyde.” “The Mallory to your Mickey.” “Sid and Nancy.”

I couldn’t live with you dead.”

Well, then, how about Romeo and Juliet?

When I read the synopsis for episode 11.17 of Supernatural, “Red Meat”, I knew it had potential. Sam on the brink of death always makes for an interesting story because Dean has proven time and time again that nothing is too unreasonable, outrageous or insane when it comes to the things he’s willing to do to keep his brother alive.

My excitement was mounting, as the teaser showed scenes from “Mystery Spot” and “Appointment In Samarra”, two of the Greatest Hits from the ‘I Can’t Lose You’ Winchester Repertoire. I thought I was ready for “Red Meat”. I had to be revived a couple of times during the episode. Just when I thought the Winchesters couldn’t get any crazier…

Oh, welcome back, sweet codependency! Not that you ever went away.

* Warning: mentions of suicide *

samn and dean walking into the woods by timetraveldean

Sam and Dean versus the werewolves: “We gotta get that bullet out of there.”

Red Meat” starts with a bang. Two hunters and two werewolves square off inside a run down cabin in the woods. Bodies slamming against furniture, punches, kicks, glass shattering, two bloody knives, and one gunshot. Sam is bleeding from his stomach but he still gestures towards the two captives handcuffed to the ceiling beams.

First things first. “Just hold tight you two.” Dean rushes to his brother’s side with the first aid box, sterilizes a pair of tweezers with the flame of a lighter, places a roll of gauze into Sam’s mouth and reaches in to pull out the bullet. He’s fast, efficient, and even cracks a joke about keeping the bullet as a memento. After the couple is freed, the foursome flees the cabin. The woman’s wrists are infected, Sam needs immediate attention, there’s no cell phone service for miles and other werewolves are on the prowl.

Sam and Dean versus Corbin: “He won’t leave you.”

The phone they find at a nearby house is dead. When one of the victims, Corbin, concerned with saving his wife Michelle, suggests they keep moving and leave Sam behind because he’s slowing them down, Dean gets physical. “We’re going to carry him the rest of the way!” Sam tries to reason with Dean, but to no avail. When Dean storms out, determined to build a litter for Sam, Sam urges Corbin to take Michelle, and leave with Dean. Desperate, and aware that the only man who can help them won’t move without his brother, Corbin decides to eliminate the road block. He strangles Sam. “I’m sorry.”

Dean after finding Sam is gone: “Let ’em come.”

Finding Sam’s lifeless body doesn’t have the effect Corbin had hoped for. Dean’s response as werewolves drive toward the house is “Let ’em come”. He still wants to stay with his brother, but staying means they all die, so Corbin begs him to help them and he finally gets Dean to leave. Dean promises Sam he will be back for him. A flashback shows Sam, in a good mood as he’s trying to convince Dean that the hunt will be like a fun camping vacation.

sams fun camping vacation by artemiskitsune'

Dean after getting the couple to safety: “I gotta get back to my brother.”

As soon as Dean gets the couple out of the woods and in the safety of the sheriff’s car, he’s ready to get back to Sam. He punches the sheriff when he tries to detain him for questioning but he gets taken down by Taser. When Dean comes to at the hospital, a grateful Michelle offers her condolences for his loss. He quickly ingests a dangerous cocktail of drugs in an attempt to talk to a “Scary, Crazy Death Machine”. He asks Michelle to get the doctor to revive him if she can but also tells her he is okay with the possibility that she might not be able to.

Dean bargains with Billie : “Look, you got him, I need him, let’s make a deal.”

dean looking at sams body by itsokaysammy

Dean tries to appeal to Billie’s self-interest, telling her that Sam is the only one who can stop The Darkness from wiping everything off the map, reapers included. She sees right through him and observes he’s only pretending to try to save Sam for the greater good when they both know he’s doing it for himself. Dean begs, offers to trade his life for Sam’s but Sam is still alive and “the Empty, it’s waiting”. Just as Billie’s about to reap Dean, the doctor manages to jolt him back to life.

The Big W returns: “It took you long enough.”

While Dean was embarking on his journey to the beyond, Sam was awaking to find his refuge invaded. Weak and bleeding profusely, he managed to outsmart and kill the two remaining werewolves before hopping into their truck to reach the main road where the Impala was still waiting. After a quick phone call where he got his brother’s location but didn’t have time to warn him about Corbin before the signal went out, Sam raced to the hospital and arrived there just in time to shoot the newly turned werewolf dead, as he was strangling Dean.

A doctor explained that Sam’s body went into shock after he was attacked, only giving the appearance of death. As for Dean, he chose to keep quiet about his self-inflicted tumble into the other side, telling Sam he always knew Sam wasn’t dead.


Overall grade: 9.5/10

Another week, another fantastic episode. As some of you may know, I love the hunters Winchesters; watching them on the job, chasing monsters, breaking and entering, researching, casting spells, the whole deal, and their hunter instincts were on steroids in “Red Meat”.

Starting with an amazing action scene, then Dean, uber efficient, dexterous, and cool-headed as an on-the-spot surgeon. It’s in moments like these that Team Winchester shines. They’ve been through this before. Communication is fast, they both know what to do, what’s coming, and they each play their role to make the other’s job as easy as possible.

Dean was comforting, showing a hint of pride (“Look at that, huh?”) at Sam’s ability to take it like a champ after earning another warrior scar, and he even allayed any fears Sam might have about surviving by projecting them into a future where they would both look back at the moment and laugh. Then Dean was in two places at once, racing between his injured brother and the two captives, doing everything in his power to keep everybody safe and calm.

Sam was heroic, putting the victims welfare above his own, even bandaging his own wound with shaky fingers so Dean could be free to assist others. He also used humor to keep his spirits up as he was doubled over in pain, comparing his wounds to an indigestion from that roadhouse chill he just knew was a bad idea. The hunter on steroid really kicked in when Sam woke up after he was attacked by Corbin. Even half dead, he kept on ticking like the Terminator, taking down two werewolves and driving to the hospital to kill the third one and save his brother.

As usual situations where the brothers are in danger heighten their protective instincts. What else but the fear of losing Dean kept Sam lucid enough to get his destination, shoot the monster, and only then collapse like a broken puppet on the floor. In these moments he gets “Mystery Spot” focused. Dean gets “Croatoan”, you’ll-be-dead-before-you-hit-the-ground bossy toward anyone who threatens Sam’s life. He started shoving Corbin when Corbin mentioned leaving Sam behind, and was even fighting branches as he was scrambling to build a litter to carry Sam. No brother left behind. He went “All Hell Breaks Loose” “then let it end”when Sam became unresponsive and still wouldn’t move as the werewolves started closing in on them, until Corbin’s pleas for help snapped him back into reality.

The entire episode was an emotional roller coaster. It starts with a high intensity action scene then there’s this moment where everything stops because Sam’s been shot. I’m nervously watching Dean patch him up. Tensions run high as everybody starts fighting over what to do about Sam and then things get sad. The idea that Sam Winchester, the boy who jumped into the pit for humankind could have been snuffed out by one lone victim he was still trying to rescue while he was at his weakest, injured and defenseless tore my heart out. Watching Corbin the fact that Dean wouldn’t abandon Sam as a reason to attack and suffocate him while Dean was out of sight was heartbreaking. Then to have to see the flashback of Sam smiling and trying to get Dean excited about the hunt that was going to kill him was the coup de grâce. I was already a mess when the sheriff entered the picture and I could have knocked him out each time he kept Dean from going back to Sam.

The most shocking moment was certainly Dean committing suicide. I thought I’d seen it all from that one. He seemed to have little fear, gathering and chugging down pills that were supposed to kill him because the worst that could happen to him already had. He was either going to bring Sam back, or he stay dead, and he was fine with it. Then the episode went full Romeo and Juliet. Romeo drank his poison and died, not knowing that Juliet was still alive.

And that’s when Sam gave me a joyous little heart attack as he gasped himself awake and called out for Dean. Of course, the relief was short-lived and I was stressed out all over again while he was being hunted by the werewolves, then beaming with pride when he prevailed. Another heart episode when he fell down in the stairs, as if he wasn’t injured enough my goodness, at the same moment Dean fell at the hospital (Winsync!).

I like Lisa Berry, and I was glad to see Billie again. She seemed to know all about Dean. Almost. She knows his love for burgers, TV marathons and the fact that he “can’t lose” Sam but she has it wrong on the “suicide-type” thing. Au contraire, my dear Billie, it goes hand in hand with his “martyr” thing. This is the man who said he couldn’t live with Sam dead and has proven that he meant it.


Ode to the codependency

dean touches sams lifeless body by kissablesam

Which brings me to the reason this episode is the latest addition to my personal SPN Hall of Fame. I live for Sam and Dean’s codependecy, and in “Red Meat”, my cup runneth over. Not only did Dean not hesitate to catapult himself into the other realm to retrieve Sam (how do we like that “Safe House” foreshadowing), but even the guests characters seemed to know to some degree that Dean couldn’t lose Sam.

He won’t leave you.”

It was so obvious to Corbin that Dean would never leave Sam that the only solution for him was to kill him. Digest this for a minute. This is almost on par with the Horseman Death demanding Sam dies to be sure Dean could be separated from him permanently.

Billie might have been surprised by Dean’s suicide but Corbin wouldn’t have been. He realized rather quickly that killing Sam’s death destroyed Dean’s motivation to live. “You stay, you die.” “He wants to stay”.

One thing Billie did see clearly was that Dean couldn’t live without Sam and was ready to say anything to get him back. “You can’t lose him”, “pretending you’re trying to save Sam for the greater good when we both know you’re doing it for you.”

Then they were all those references to other Greatest Hits of the Codependency Tour, like Dean asking, “Bring him back”, same words Sam told the Trickster in “Mystery Spot”, or, Dean saying “Take me”, which is what Sam told the crossroads demon in “I Know What You Did Last Summer”.

Corbin’s “He won’t leave you.” also echoes the “I’m not gonna leave you” from “Swan Song”, and Dean’s decision at the hospital, find a way to bring Sam back or die is what Chuck said he wanted to do back in ‘Swan Song”: “ Every part of him, every fiber he’s got, wants to die, or find a way to bring Sam back.”

Best Dean moments

Dean promises to come back for Sam.

dean promises to come back for sam by devoiddean

Dr Dean to the rescue!

doctot dean to the rescue by out-in-the-open

Best Sam moments

Terminator Sam.

terminator sam by mooseleys

Broken puppet Sam. finally allows himself to collapse now that he knows both he and Dean will be safe.

broken puppet sam by mooseleys

Best broments

No brother left behind.

dean holding sam up by clairvoyantsam

Bruised, battered, but triumphant.

battered but triumphant by electricmonk333

Final verdict

“You don’t have to do this.”
“Yeah, I do.”

Some are bothered by this aspect of the brothers relationship. I’m not. I love it. It’s not new either. It’s always been there. They’re getting a little worse every year, and that’s fine too. The Winchester codependency is part of the fabric of Supernatural and this episode definitely paid homage to what remains my favorite part of the show.

Sure, it hurts to watch Dean guzzle down poison without blinking, then see him seizing on the floor, ready to throw it all away if he can’t have Sam with him or at least Sam alive, without him, but I was also similarly bewildered when Sam offered to recreate the Thriller video or Death Becomes Her with Dean as two zombies stealing hearts and sowing each other up in “Time Is On My Side”, rather then lose Dean to hellfire.

I’m committed to the Winchesters in all their extravagance, messiness and beauty. No one love each other the way they do, and I don’t ever want them to stop. Perfectly imperfect, make-believe characters in a make-believe world where their particular brand of crazy is a fact of life. Horsemen, reapers, angels, humans, you name it, everybody knows you can’t keep those two apart for long.

sam entering the impala by themegalosaurus

A word on Jared and Jensen who did an amazing job with their characters, both in crisis and emotional turmoil, running against the clock to save one another. Gentlemen, take a bow while I throw red roses on the stage.

dean lashes out at the branch by out-in-the-open

“Mario” & “Luigi”, Dream Team Bros moved up to the next level and earned themselves another life. Dean terminated himself for Sam and Sam went Terminator to save Dean. If they were the only ones in the episode, it would have been a 12.

Edited on April 1st 2016 : I used the wrong name for one of the characters in my review. It was Corbin, not Coleman. Thank you to Pollyanna_ish (IMDb forum) for bringing it to my attention. I appreciate it! Fixed 🙂




XI : Winchester Brothers Report
11.01 “We Broke It, We Bought It”
11.02 “That Giant, Crazy Fart”
11.03 “And I have a fake badge”
11.04 “We’re home”
11.05 “That whole sensitive verbal massage”
11.06 “She overpowered me, end of story”
11.07 “What do you mean, killer bunny?”

11.08 “The family that showers together”
11.09 “If Sam’s not safe, it’s not happening”
11A Midseason Report Card “So, lock and key?”
11.10 “Sam can’t talk cause he’s waxing…”
11.11 “All that’s ever mattered is that we’re together”
11.12 “And when you mix it up with the potatoes and the beans”
11.13 “I can’t help it if I’m a hopeless romantic.”
11.14 “Non, je ne regrette rien.”
11.15 “Groupie, much?”
11.16 “I got ya.”

Gif credits

49 replies to “XI: Winchester Brothers Report “You got him, I need him, let’s make a deal.”

  1. When did Baby ever look more like home than when Sam finally found her lost, bleeding in the wood? When Sammy finally managed to get under the wheel and so painfully close her door I felt like he was cocooned and safe.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Dean forms a link with Michelle:

    This is important and I have not studied it out yet. Your wisdom please.

    Mitchelle now sports her Tribal scar down her cheek. She is woman-wiser than Dean who has no power to comfort her. What would Sam have said to her?

    She is part of a created group of Winchester survives who are counciled by the Brothers. It is to Sam and Dean’s humanity that they take the time to stop and say ‘yes, I recognize you now exist and I know what you are enduring.’

    Any thoughts on this group who are often children, and many times boys?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Dean forms a link with Michelle:
      This is important and I have not studied it out yet. Your wisdom please.”

      I saw a clear parallel between Dean and Michelle. I didn’t talk about it because my Reports are already so darn long, and every week I’m battling with myself to try to make them shorter (obviously, I haven’t been successful at this lmao).

      Dean is also a parallel to Corbin in the sense that he was taking care of his injured partner and ready to kill to save the person who’s his number one priority (for Corbin, it was killing someone else, for Dean it was killing himself, temporarily, or permanently if saving Sam required an exchange of life or if the doctor failed to revive him). I mentioned in my comment to Maria that Sam is a parallel to Corbin in the sense that they were both, at some point in time, desperate enough to consider turning their partner into monsters to keep them close. For Corbin, it was turning Michelle so they could be together, for Sam, it was turning Dean into a Doc Benton experiment to keep him out of Hell in “Time Is On My Side”.

      Since you asked about Michelle, here goes. I think Dean and Michelle shared the same story up to the point where they exchanged endings. They’ve been in each other’s shoes and felt what the other has felt. They both had to see their partner die. Dean thought he saw Sam’s dead body, Michelle saw Corbin go down. Before the end of the episode, Michelle thought she was the lucky one. She still had Corbin, and she felt for Dean because she understood how devastated she would be in his place. At the end, Dean was the lucky one. Sam rose from the mostly dead, while Michelle had to stand in that desperate, empty place Dean was standing in when he “lost” Sam. Then there’s their reaction to losing their partner : being stuck and not wanting to “leave”. Dean’s reaction was, “let ’em come”, I’m staying. Michelle’s was, my love is here, WHERE do I even go?

      “Mitchelle now sports her Tribal scar down her cheek. She is woman-wiser than Dean who has no power to comfort her. What would Sam have said to her?”

      Dean’s failure to comfort Michelle is no fault of his. Sometimes, there’s nothing anyone can say to make the pain go away. What could anybody say to Dean when he’s looking at Sam’ s dead body? Remember, Bobby tried in “All Hell Breaks Loose” and got “then let it end” and a shove out the door for his trouble. I think Sam would have told Michelle that Corbin loved her, that he would have done anything to protect her (he knows). He might have told her that what Corbin turned into (a wolf) wasn’t his fault, and given her the chance to talk about her husband a little more to someone who was willing to lend a empathetic ear. Dean’s words of comfort weren’t very useful because he doesn’t believe there is anything useful, convincing and relevant you can say to someone who just had their hearts ripped out of their chest. When Sam dies, there’s nothing you can say to Dean that he cares to hear. Give him his brother back or shut the hell up lol.

      “She is part of a created group of Winchester survives who are counciled by the Brothers. It is to Sam and Dean’s humanity that they take the time to stop and say ‘yes, I recognize you now exist and I know what you are enduring.’”

      Good point. I like that Sam and Dean take the time to leave the survivors with words of comfort. It’s important for these people to hear that someone cares.

      “Any thoughts on this group who are often children, and many times boys?”

      I think the victims are often parallels to the brothers. I remember the first time this became clear to me, it was in ‘Dead In The Water”. Dean stopped talking for a while after Mary’s death and Lucas Barr was a direct parallel to Dean, which is why Dean understood him so well, that and the fact that Dean Winchester is something I call the “Child Whisperer”. He’s been a surrogate dad since the age of 4 and he is amazing with kids. A boy who was a direct parallel to Sam would be Gary the warlock-in-training from “Swap Meat” who not only was at odds with his family when it came to the things he wanted to do with his life (the story of Sam’s life), but ended up in Sam’s very skin. Sam told him, “Gary, take it from SOMEONE WHO KNOWS – chin up, man. Your life ain’t that bad”. Do you agree with the “wisdom”, South :D. What do you think?


      1. In our worst moments we remember the link a person makes, or a pet in your lap licking tears. Comfort. One of the most important traits of the brothers and SUPERNATURAL and Jared and Jensen, and I am seeing in this generation, are links. Our victim characters will always find comfort and new strength for that moment. Waxing on: this generation has many gashes that they cannot see ever healing, just starting with broken homes, I see them stopping and making tiny links between themselves.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. If some one had told me during 3 days of labor, “Chin up, your life ain’t that bad,” I would pop them on their jaw leaving a deep grape colored bruise.

        Sam and Dean place themselves beside the person they are talking to, talk to their face, and Sam and Dean’s face reflect their own pain. We share…we know…and we see a light in all this you cannot see coming to you.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I really enjoy reading your and all the others reviews every week and I loved this episode. It’s amazing and, in the same time, heartbreaking to watch all the things that Sam and Dean are willing to do for each other.

    Although I knew that Sam wouldn’t die – especially in the middle of the season – I was shocked by how a ”simple” hunt was transformed to a nightmare within a second. We have already seen it in ”Faith”, when Dean got electrocuted, but in this episode it was more violent and cruel. I still can’t forget the scene in which Corbin was trying to strangle Sam.

    For me, the most terrifying thing that happened was, once again, the choices that people make out of desperation to save their loved one’s. On one hand, there is Corbin who was willing to kill multiple times and turn Michelle into a monster because he didn’t want to lose her and on the other, there is Dean who was ready to make a deal with a reaper to bring Sam back and almost sacrifice himself again.

    I like Billie. She is scary as a reaper and although she threatens Sam and Dean to throw their souls into the Empty, I don’t think that she hates them but that she is exasperated by their behavior, especially Dean’s.

    I love Dean and the codependency he shares with Sam, but in my opinion his conversation with Billie was useful. I admire both Winchesters for sacrificing themselves for each other, however they can’t take death lightly anymore. Billie really means what she says about the Empty. They aren’t just words. Not only Sam, but Dean was very lucky that the doctor was able to bring him back in time.

    Finally, although both Sam and Dean have already been through a lot of difficult situations thus they are used to pain and they have great strength, I am a little skeptical about Sam surpassing all those obstacles to get to the hospital. He had high blood loss from his injury and as a result he should have died from bleeding after all these hours. Then, Dean told Michelle that when Corbin tried to kill Sam, Sam suffered shock which slowed down considerably the pulses of his heart. If I’m not mistaken, when the heart rate slows down the blood flow is also reduced. So, I have a question; for as long Sam’s shock lasted is it possible that the bleeding could be reduced too?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “I really enjoy reading your and all the others reviews every week and I loved this episode. It’s amazing and, in the same time, heartbreaking to watch all the things that Sam and Dean are willing to do for each other. ”

      Hi Maria! * waves *. Thank you, I’m glad you enjoy the reviews. I loved reading your comment. I agree with you, the episode was amazing, and it is always heartbreaking, in the best way, to see what the brothers are willing to do for each other.

      “Although I knew that Sam wouldn’t die – especially in the middle of the season – I was shocked by how a ”simple” hunt was transformed to a nightmare within a second. We have already seen it in ”Faith”, when Dean got electrocuted, but in this episode it was more violent and cruel. I still can’t forget the scene in which Corbin was trying to strangle Sam.”

      Great comparison to the episode “Faith”. I also agree with the use of the word “cruel”. It was horrible to watch what Corbin did to Sam. My goodness, I was so sad after that.

      “For me, the most terrifying thing that happened was, once again, the choices that people make out of desperation to save their loved one’s. On one hand, there is Corbin who was willing to kill multiple times and turn Michelle into a monster because he didn’t want to lose her and on the other, there is Dean who was ready to make a deal with a reaper to bring Sam back and almost sacrifice himself again.”

      Like you, I saw the parallel. Corbin did the extreme to save his loved one, something the Winchesters have done over and over. He was willing to be a monster with her, which ties into my “Time Is On My Side”, Doc Benton mention of Sam’s willingness to to turn Dean into a monster to keep him out of Hell.

      “I like Billie. She is scary as a reaper and although she threatens Sam and Dean to throw their souls into the Empty, I don’t think that she hates them but that she is exasperated by their behavior, especially Dean’s.”

      I like her too, and I agree she just wants order. It’s crazy that these humans keep breaking the natural order in every way possible and she has had it. I would be sick of those two if I were a reaper. The reason the Horseman died, is because he too got tired of all the Winchesters disturbances. I’ll ship you into space, but I don’t want to deal with your brother raising a fuss about if so Sam has to die so we can all get some peace. Poor Death lol.

      “I love Dean and the codependency he shares with Sam, but in my opinion his conversation with Billie was useful. I admire both Winchesters for sacrificing themselves for each other, however they can’t take death lightly anymore. Billie really means what she says about the Empty. They aren’t just words. Not only Sam, but Dean was very lucky that the doctor was able to bring him back in time.”

      Also love that Winchester codependency but I’m not sure that Dean is taking Billie seriously. He’s so used to bouncing back and bowing Horsemen and high ranking creatures to his will that he’s lost all fear of the consequences. I’m thinking this isn’t the last time we see Billie. Who knows, one of the brothers might actually land into The Empty during the season finale.

      “Finally, although both Sam and Dean have already been through a lot of difficult situations thus they are used to pain and they have great strength, I am a little skeptical about Sam surpassing all those obstacles to get to the hospital. He had high blood loss from his injury and as a result he should have died from bleeding after all these hours. Then, Dean told Michelle that when Corbin tried to kill Sam, Sam suffered shock which slowed down considerably the pulses of his heart. If I’m not mistaken, when the heart rate slows down the blood flow is also reduced. So, I have a question; for as long Sam’s shock lasted is it possible that the bleeding could be reduced too?”

      That’s a great question. I didn’t know that shock could slow down the bleeding but it would explain how Sam managed to hold on as long as he did. Again loved your comment. Thanks, Maria.


          1. “The quote’s from Maria. I actually thought Sam was in The Empty when he woke up:). I still think one of the Winchesters could land in there in the finale”


            I was thinking the same thing about Sam!

            Liked by 1 person

          2. I think you are right about the finale. I’m afraid that Dean would be the one who will end up to the Empty. I noticed that the last seven episodes, except for 11.12 and 11.17, Dean is the most vulnerable of the brothers and he keeps saying that Sam is the only one who can beat the Darkness. He also said that to Billie as an excuse for bringing Sam back, though he truly believes that he is useless because of his connection to Amara. Apart from that, although Sam, according to the doctor, was almost dead, Billie didn’t show up to him but to Dean. She tried to reap Dean’s soul not Sam’s. Finally, the eleventh season started with Dean’s quote ”I’m past saving”. Could all these are a for-shadowing?

            Liked by 1 person

            1. I 100% agree that Dean has been shown as vulnerable for a while. I also believe he thinks he’s completely useless against Amara. What I see a bit differently is Billie decision. She didn’t bypass Sam to get to Dean. While Sam was “mostly dead”, he still had a heartbeat, which made him still alive and off limits to the reaper.

              Dean on the other end, actually passed away after taking the pills, which is why Billie came for him and not Sam. I talked a lot about the foreshadowing for Dean in previous reviews. While I think Dean will be harmed in the finale, I’m not sure he’ll be the one who lends into The Empty. I see him more being absorbed/transformed/somehow consumed by Amara who promised they will become one. I guess we’ll see what happens then but speculating while we wait is part of the fun! 😀


        1. I was sure that Sam wouldn’t die, because I knew that Dean would do anything to save him. However, I didn’t expect Sam to come back to life on his own the same moment Dean was taking the pills. 😦

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I thought Sam might die like in “All Hell Breaks Loose” and THEN, Dean would make a deal but you were right to think otherwise. Now that I think about it, this episode is a bit early in the game for one of the boys to actually slip into The Empty. That’s season finale material!


  4. Thank you for your review. Finally someone says it loud and proud. We love the codependency of the Winchesters. We. Love. It. Jared and Jensen were perfection.

    9.5 easily

    BTW I am so glad I found your blog. I love your reviews.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nice to see you here, Cassiopiea, and thank you so much for the lovely comment! So glad you like the reviews 🙂

      * Proudly waves the codependency flag * lol
      I LOVE this “unhealthy, tangled-up, crazy thing” of theirs. Can’t say it enough and nobody else should be afraid to. The show’s certainly not afraid to there. Hate it or love it, this is who they are.

      Jared and Jensen were magnificent in this one. They”re a national treasure! * nods *


      1. They’re encouraged to detach themselves from earthly ties and human passions. All their devotion belongs to their god and the faith they serve. You can become obsessed with faith, dependent on it but it’s still a solitary life. There’s noone for them to be territorial about or co-dependent ‘on’ in my opinion. Source: went to Catholic school and Bible study lol.


        1. Thank you. Seems we all live in circles often isolated from one another. Good to learn from you, who has lived in that circle.

          We talks all the time about the circle Sam and Dean move in that seldom brushes up against other circles. They know more about the laundry mat circle than I do. All circles, our personal universe, are fascinating.

          Liked by 1 person


    Smugly, I instructed my husband–THIS IS A H U N T!

    Then that second happens when Sam is shot–and–drops– taken by surprise –and I cannot live through another ALL HELL BREAKS LOSS!

    These brothers do this for fun, right! A little camping trip, a break from the bunker, Sammy way of cheering depressed Dean up with Cas possessed–an episode from David Paulides MISSING 411!

    Did no one tell These Two Knucklheads that more hikers end up dead or ate or missing than in any NATIONAL PARK IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY –YOSEMITE–for really real? Oh! Yes! For really real–are never, ever, ever found.

    It was going to be WENDIGO again in the woods with no M&Ms.

    I ask my husband to set with me since I was terrified Sam was going to die on the cabin floor and we know what New Death said about that.

    Side notes:

    Do most men have a sliding scale of which bullets dug out of their flesh is a keeper or tossed back?

    B-westerns heating up bullet probes, stuff stuff in your gasping mouth, a flesh wound is a flesh wound even in your gut is sliced open your intestines through your stomach ripping into your liver.

    Dean shaking his head ‘no’ while telling bleeding Sammy he was going to be OK.

    The power of these two full grown, in shape men, taking on ANY werewolf stunt man in a fight, no matter how well rehearsed or how fake the blood is, rolls off the screen in waves of male power. During filming the raw energy must nearly knock you down.

    When Dean rams a knife in you you are dead by violence equal to any actual combat. Economy of motion, strike, kill. Dean Winchester is the ballet of his art
    Just as he as perfected in Purgatory.

    John trained his sons well. Then when they just can stand up and stagger about turning pale with smirked, drying blood, I tell my spouse, “This is when they are suppose to go to Bobby’s to heal up.” How I miss Bobby.

    Did we talk about how the boys looked like they were on the moors with “A Werewolf in London?”

    Has Sam forgot Dean hates camping or just being little brother mean?

    I will be quiet now.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Love your entire review, Southeast!

      Smugly, I instructed my husband–THIS IS A H U N T!”

      Agreed! That was a good ole fashion, heart pounding, Winchester hunt. Whew!

      “Then that second happens when Sam is shot–and–drops– taken by surprise –and I cannot live through another ALL HELL BREAKS LOSS!”

      I had no idea what was going to happen and I was very afraid he was ACTUALLY going to die. When he ‘woke up’, I wondered if he had landed into The Empty and I thought everything he was seeing around him might be an illusion until the werewolves arrived. I also didn’t expect him to be shot so early into the episode.

      “Did no one tell These Two Knucklheads that more hikers end up dead or ate or missing than in any NATIONAL PARK IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY –YOSEMITE–for really real? Oh! Yes! For really real–are never, ever, ever found.”

      Really? Didn’t know that. Looks like this might be their kind of case 😉

      ” The power of these two full grown, in shape men, taking on ANY werewolf stunt man in a fight, no matter how well rehearsed or how fake the blood is, rolls off the screen in waves of male power. During filming the raw energy must nearly knock you down.”

      Yes, South! LET’S talk about this. * fans self * I’m completely shameless about it and I gotta say, watching those 6 feet +, FINE specimen of manliness in motion is such a treat. I mean I watch a good selection of shows but the Jared-Jensen duo is in a league of its own,

      “John trained his sons well. Then when they just can stand up and stagger about turning pale with smirked, drying blood, I tell my spouse, “This is when they are suppose to go to Bobby’s to heal up.” How I miss Bobby.”

      I have my issues with John but he definitely raised some fine warriors. I miss Bobby too but I like the idea of Sam and Dean going back to the bunker, their home, and taking the time to rest and heal there together.

      “Has Sam forgot Dean hates camping or just being little brother mean?”

      He was being little brother cute. Messing with Dean is his birth right just like teasing Sam is Dean’s 😉

      “I will be quiet now.”

      Neverrrrr!!! lol

      Liked by 1 person

  6. finally able to see the supernatural i love last weeks episode was good as well hope it keeps up 🙂 dean be lying again i wonder when the truth will come out lol and perhaps an unknown force got sam and dean back on there feet? or was it just luck like usual? but i do think its possible amara didnt want dean to die

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely, Luca! Yeah, we definitely got 2 good episodes in a row.
      I’m not surprised Dean didn’t tell Sam the truth about what he did. He knows how extreme it is and I’m sure he didn’t want to be lectured about it.

      Anything is possible but I honestly don’t think there was an unknown force at work. Dean was never in real danger so Amara had no reason to get involved. As for Sam, he survived being tortured by Lucifer for one year in earth time. He’s not your run-of-the-mill human lol. As for “luck”, the only one the Winchesters have is their ability to heal, survive and resurrect so I suppose we could say that Winchester luck kept them ‘safe’-ish 🙂


    2. I was sure Amara was lucking someplace, but I do not think so. Getting lost in the foggy woods was all I could handle, had she shown up in her long black dress I would have started yelling ‘Disney witch!” And started looking for wood to burn her at the stake. A meltdown of my reality, even for SUPERNATURAL.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “I was sure Amara was lucking someplace, but I do not think so. Getting lost in the foggy woods was all I could handle, had she shown up in her long black dress I would have started yelling ‘Disney witch!” And started looking for wood to burn her at the stake. A meltdown of my reality, even for SUPERNATURAL.”

        lmao!!! Poor Amara. She’s probably hiding in the woods because she knows many of you are awaiting her with torches to burn her at the stake. Give the girl a chance lol. She hasn’t even had the chance to ‘villain’ properly and you all want to bury her in her black dress. * hides Amara underneath a bed of autumn leaves * There, mylady. They can’t hurt you here 😀 😀 😀


  7. I actually didn’t like this episode at all. don’t get me wrong I liked your review and I’m all for Winchester codependence. But the plot was bad, Bloodlines-taxi driver bad. and it’s a shame because the premise should have be enough for me. Sammy dying, Dean doing a deal to save him (a la all hell break loose part 2 my fave SPN episode ever!)
    And i’m all in favor about Sam being badass and a competent hunter and the fact that he’s been having most of the kill this season might be the show attempts to compensate for Dean murderous strike last season but this was beyond ridiculous. So we’re supposed to believe he was shoot and choked and almost bleeding out and somehow he managed to recovery, take down the wolf pack, to drive his way to the hospital (he was bleeding out right? RIGHT?) And save Dean. Whatever Andrew Dabb. What. Ever.
    but yeah i agree with you: romeo and juliet awwwww.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “I actually didn’t like this episode at all. don’t get me wrong I liked your review and I’m all for Winchester codependence. But the plot was bad, Bloodlines-taxi driver bad. and it’s a shame because the premise should have be enough for me. Sammy dying, Dean doing a deal to save him (a la all hell break loose part 2 my fave SPN episode ever!)”

      Thanks, AllIWant. I’m happy you liked the review. Winchester codependency always wins out for me even if the plot isn’t the greatest. In this case, I loved the plot also, but I understand it didn’t work for everyone.

      “And i’m all in favor about Sam being badass and a competent hunter and the fact that he’s been having most of the kill this season might be the show attempts to compensate for Dean murderous strike last season but this was beyond ridiculous. So we’re supposed to believe he was shoot and choked and almost bleeding out and somehow he managed to recovery, take down the wolf pack, to drive his way to the hospital (he was bleeding out right? RIGHT?) And save Dean. Whatever Andrew Dabb. What. Ever.”

      I’m familiar with this argument. For me, Dean has always been portrayed as the better hunter when it comes to the sheer ability to gank the monster and rack up a monster body count in the course of the entire series. I don’t really count who gets the kill by the episode/season but Dean definitely wins the series. Sam is also a trained hunter, a soldier and a hero and I don’t have a problem with him killing the beast (s). I cheer for whichever Winchester slays the dragon.

      What I do understand is the criticism that Sam’s ability to do everything he did in his state was going too far for many viewers. I respect that point of view. A regular human couldn’t have done it. I don’t have a problem with Sam achieving that miracle though. I described the Winchesters as turbo humans before. That was mostly Dean but I don’t see how they can be compared to regular folk anymore.

      They are the Hercules of their time and have gone through the 12 Labors, changed species, walked through Hellfire, become demon adjacent, and mooned death more time than The Horseman cares to remember. The show already commented on their unusual threshold for pain and I believe that at this point, they’re made of a different stuff than the average Joe.

      “but yeah i agree with you: romeo and juliet awwwww.”

      We can definitely toast to that one! 😉


      1. “What I do understand is the criticism that Sam’s ability to do everything he did in his state was going too far for many viewers. I respect that point of view. A regular human couldn’t have done it. I don’t have a problem with Sam achieving that miracle though. I described the Winchesters as turbo humans before. That was mostly Dean but I don’t see how they can be compared to regular folk anymore. ”

        I actually think it was supposed to be unbelievable as a shout out to The Revenant. Check out twitter comments from the episode and one of the cast (I can’t remember who maybe Jared) refers to the movie as well.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I loved it too-I would have given it a 9.5/10 but I gave last weeks episode that mark and I liked it a teeny bit better. (Sam cradling Dean, my poor heart)

        Anyone see the Revenant? Totally a call out to that movie-although I thought it was done much better than the movie (I didn’t really like the movie).

        Looks lie Amaras back next episode and I’m not sure how I feel about that-I hate seeiing Dean without any agency 😦

        Liked by 1 person

        1. “I loved it too-I would have given it a 9.5/10 but I gave last weeks episode that mark and I liked it a teeny bit better. (Sam cradling Dean, my poor heart)”

          Lol! Our poor hearts indeed. These boys are playing with our emotions and they know it. I love them so much.

          “Anyone see the Revenant? Totally a call out to that movie-although I thought it was done much better than the movie (I didn’t really like the movie).”

          Wow! Better than the movie? Didn’t Leo finally get his Oscar for that movie? I haven’t seen it. Love Leo but I’m not big on Robinson Crusoe survival adventures. Did Leo’s character go into shock also and come back from it like Sam? What did the show do better than the movie? / Nosy.

          ‘Looks lie Amaras back next episode and I’m not sure how I feel about that-I hate seeiing Dean without any agency😦”

          Hehe we’ve talked about that a lot you and I. I’ve been clamoring for her to return for weeks now. I love Jensen’s scenes with Emily and I crave development on the Deanmara front. I want to see more of that part of Dean’s storyline. At least you can take comfort in the fact that Dean is no longer alone with his secret when it comes to the effect Amara has over him. Sam knows and I’m sure he’ll be watching out for him 🙂


          1. “Wow! Better than the movie? Didn’t Leo finally get his Oscar for that movie? I haven’t seen it. Love Leo but I’m not big on Robinson Crusoe survival adventures. Did Leo’s character go into shock also and come back from it like Sam? What did the show do better than the movie? / Nosy.”

            Leo wasnt that good in it-he had barely any lines except to moan in pain and speak Indian dialect LOL and I was not invested in his character at all. He should have won for a lot of other roles but not this one IMHO.He got mauled by a bear all over his body especially his neck, and thrown around and then the bear fell on top of him (at least 3-400lbs) and he also went down a waterfall and he did recover without a hospital LOL The “bad guy” wanted to kill him so they didn’t have to stay with him (just like spn) -they end up burying him pretty much mostly dead but he gets out of the grave etc

            SPN did it better because you CARE about Sam and Dean..period!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. “Leo wasnt that good in it-he had barely any lines except to moan in pain and speak Indian dialect LOL and I was not invested in his character at all. He should have won for a lot of other roles but not this one IMHO.”

              You know what, I’m not surprised Leo won for a role where he wasn’t at his best. He’s been robbed SO many times before, the Academy was becoming a joke to the public. I kept rolling my eyes at all those lesser actors taking the gold while the much more deserving Leo went home empty handed. It was a case of ‘give the man his Oscar already, this is ridiculous and it’s becoming unbearable to all of us’ lol.

              “He got mauled by a bear all over his body especially his neck, and thrown around and then the bear fell on top of him (at least 3-400lbs) and he also went down a waterfall and he did recover without a hospital LOL The “bad guy” wanted to kill him so they didn’t have to stay with him (just like spn) -they end up burying him pretty much mostly dead but he gets out of the grave etc”

              LOL! It sounds hilarious when you describe it like this. Sounds like Doc Benton.

              “SPN did it better because you CARE about Sam and Dean..period!”

              No argument there.

              Liked by 1 person

            2. Super Real People aka frontiersmen

              The Revenant Mountion Man is based on a real event, including bear mauling. The movie had the most authentic Indian attack along with an idea of what living on the frontier actually was like. Daniel Boone, not to be confused with TV and popular versions of the actual man, went on a similiar endurance trek to warn Boonesboro of a pending Indian attack.

              It is dangerous to the show to make Sam and Dean more than frail humans. But, they are Hunters. So writers please be careful, remember your audience are not 10 year old boys, but often females with over a decade of Wnchester Watching. We count ounces of blood loss and signs of shock and we are well experienced viewers of media violence and injury. One of the appeals of SUPERNATURAL is that humans are not silly indestructible, if they are we are insulted.

              It is our right and duty to be super nit-picky and writers at their peril forget it.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Southeast, I understand what you’re saying, and I don’t mind people being critical of Sam’s miraculous survival but if as you say The Revenant is based on a real story, isn’t it actual proof the human body can survive incredible things? Then why couldn’t Sam?


                1. “Southeast, I understand what you’re saying, and I don’t mind people being critical of Sam’s miraculous survival but if as you say The Revenant is based on a real story, isn’t it actual proof the human body can survive incredible things? Then why couldn’t Sam?”


                  Liked by 1 person

                2. Yes, you are absolutely right. Sam has got a lot of Daniel Boone in him rushing to save Boonesboro with vengeful Indians carrying tomahawks after him.

                  Liked by 1 person

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