Why was Benny off with Cas?

Each time I visit the purgatory scenes so much of Benny still doesn’t add up. I’ve talked before about stuff like he mentions the word they, and he new about the portal and that the portal could carry humans. Now these are questions that still haven’t been answered. But I still wondered more about Benny’s relationship with Cas. Dean after all was the real leader of this pack. Both men sort after Dean’s affections, and looked up to Dean as their mentor and in a sense hero. They both to a degree hero worshiped Dean.


Was Benny really out to cause trouble?

But as those clips slowly grew, it dawned on me, that Benny was probably jealous of Cas. Every time Cas spoke Benny had an answer, not just an everyday nice guy type of answer, but a cold and almost belittling answer. If Dean was determined to bring Cas back with him Cas would come, no questions asked. But Benny always managed to put a spanner in the works, by covering over Cas’s escape route, with back chat, as he new it only carried humans. Nothing positive really came from Benny, knocking Cas back down in his place each time he got. I thought about this a lot, and came to the conclusion it was jealousy but now I’m not so sure. Was Benny hiding something major, that we don’t yet no about? I thought at the time he could have been working for Naomi, but that thought has since been quashed. Could Benny be working undercover, for some unknown organisation. I can’t get over the fact how rude he was to Cas, and every opportune moment he slapped Cas down. We sensed that Cas was negative about the portal, understandably knowing it only carried human passengers, he was being the gent and not expecting to escape. Benny firmly continued to remind him of this fact by saying he was human himself if it weren’t for him being bitten. Were as Cas was a monster and almost deserved to stay and not join them in the escape. Even from the start its like he instigated trouble, and was waiting for Dean to put Cas in his place. 



Did Benny actually like Cas, did he really want to leave Cas in Purgatory?

So angels, what did we really no about Benny. Was he to be trusted, was he cold and unhelpful toward Cas for a reason, or was it just my imagination running away with me? Was he trying to put a dampener on Castiel’s escape, knowing fine damn well the escape hatch would let him pass through. Did Cas at this point want to stay behind or did those nagging doubts only happen near to the exit. How do you really feel about Benny, what was his game, if he had one? Did Benny really cause a rift between Cas, and Dean and to a point even Dean and Sam? Get typing guys ……..

6 replies to “Why was Benny off with Cas?

  1. Benny had no choice in whether he became a vampire. Cas had a choice to not become the savior of Heaven and ingest those souls. Cas chose not follow Dean’s advice or be a true friend as he continually lied to Dean and did his own deals for souls with Crowley. So while Cas may have judged Benny as a monster, who was Cas to make such a judgment? He also did not want to be usurped by Benny as Dean’s #1. Cas thought he deserved to stay and do penance and chose to let go of Dean’s hand. He also knew, I think, that the portal was for humans and did not want to hitch a ride in Dean. He clearly felt he deserved to be left behind. Benny still remembered his human side and promised to be good topside. He rescued Dean and taught him the ropes in Purgatory so there is the source of the friendship. Yes, Benny was self serving to befriend a human who could pass threw the portal but a real bond developed whereas Cas’s bond with Dean was damaged.
    Cas wasn’t I don’t feel the one causing the friction, I think it was Benny. Cas new before Dean true about the portal, which was why the whole time through their ordeal he was the gent, and kept his cool. He knew he’d done wrong. One thing I always loved about Cas was he knew he made big mistakes and owned up to them, I wish Sam could have been the same but alas. 😦 Cas stayed behind because he thought that was the right and noble thing to do knowing he wasn’t human, he knew distinctly he wouldn’t get out as easily as Dean would. Which was why he was doubting Dean all the way through. ‘if I don’t get out’ …. I got Benny was a hugely, good decent guy but I still think he was a plot device to cause friction, being a Vamp was just a pin prick. Look how wild Sam got over him. Its like all he seemed to care about was getting himself and Dean topside and bugger Cas, I don’t think if the crunch came to it he would have let Cas go and not saved him. How they bring Benny back I have no idea. But I hope he’s used better and part of the team and not a plot device. Yes he saved Dean’s back, and Castiel’s once. But his whole body language felt off when Cas was around, and that was most of the time. 😦

    He rescued Dean and taught him the ropes in Purgatory
    I still think Dean was his get out clause, he knew from day 1 may be later, that Dean were human and his meal ticket out of there. Yes there was a friendship but I found Benny difficult to understand in his motives.

    Thanks for the comments,
    Love Aunty B xxxx


    1. I think Benny and Deans relationship started out as self serving but by the end of the time in Purgatory it was a true friendship- a friendship like soldiers make with their foxhole buddies. They had each others backs and even though Benny probably could have let Cas get killed- he actually saved him at least once that we know of-he knew how important he was to Dean.
      It must be me reading this wrong then. I just felt Benny to be snarky at times, and getting out was what he was interested in. (they all were) I thought he’d befriended Dean for a reason, as a meal ticket, perhaps the friendship did grow, but that’s a feeling I got.

      Thanks for the comments,
      Love Aunty B xxxx


  2. Yeah I think Benny acted with Cas the same way he behaves with everyone who knows dean. He acted the same way around Sam and Bobby. Kind of teasing and insinuating that he and Dean are much closer than they actually are. It seems to be his default mode whenever Dean’s friends and family are near.
    I just felt a frostiness between Benny with Cas. May be it was just me. But like I said to barb it was as if he was putting words into Dean’s mouth to make him bring up the topic with Cas. (that first clip I put up I think) Like he was gunning to start an argument. Like when he prompted Cas to give Dean an answer why he deserted him. One thing I’ve learnt over the years is that Cas is never spiteful or nasty around humans. I just got that feeling with Benny. Like all he was bothered about was getting Dean to the portal cause Dean was human and his way out, and sod Cas, cause you ain’t human.

    Thanks for the comments,
    Love Aunty B xxxx


  3. I think Benny felt, rightfully, that having Cas along was dangerous. He was attracting all these monsters. He just wanted the best chance possible of getting Dean to the portal alive.
    I get this but he was so narky with Cas like he was causing trouble between Cas and Dean. Like he was feeding Dean with the information to start the conversation going. I just found him underhanded when it came to Cas. I do love Benny, a lot, though it was just something I picked up on early on.

    Thanks for the comments,
    Love Aunty B xxxx


    1. Cas had a target on his back with the Leviathan so he endangered Dean(Benny’s ride out) and of course B. was uncomfortable for that reason. Cas also does not warm up to “folks”- see how cold he can be to Sam- when they have a less then stellar history. Angel-vampire on opposite sides of the road so to speak, united by Dean in the center. Cas IMO felt responsible that Dean was in P because Cas made the decision to swallow it including the Leviathans, Dick Roman and all. He stayed to do penance and not screw up Dean’s chances to escape. He never intended to get out with Dean but went along to keep Dean focused on the escape. Dean’s loyalty to Cas would not have allowed him to leave without Cas had he known Cas’ intentions. Benny started out snarky and his southern accent added to his realistic comments showed his true self. He never said he was a perfect human. When it came down to Taxi Driver, Benny did let Dean kill him to save Sam, but again it was self serving b/c Benny knew he did not fit top side and Purgatory felt pure for him, he understood the rules. Benny, IMO, was an organic source of friction with Cas based on their natures. He continued to be an organic source of friction between Dean and Sam, even when he was not present. Yes, he was a plot device to get Dean out of P, to set up friction btwn Sam and Dean, to show brotherhood on several levels,to save Sam, but he became an interesting character, with his own back story. Although he was gang attacked in Purgatory to save Sam and Bobby, he must have survived as he may return. If he returns, did he hitch another ride with a human or did he use a taxi driver? Friction produces interesting results in physics.
      Yes, Debbab your right about the Levi. Its true he doesn’t warm to people may be since he’s been with Dean this time a year is a long time with someone. I wasn’t sure if he was being cagey when Cas came back into the group. Cas was being the good guy all along. He was loyal toward Dean, they both were. Yeap it was at the start. But even when they get to the portal, there is still that tension there. I don’t no if Benny thought Cas was a threat to him, that he thought the Levi were after Cas and was probably protecting Dean. They always say that two’s company three is a crowd. I got Benny saved lives, but may be its my interpretation that Dean was his main priority. I felt I got into Benny early on and liked him, but its still nagging me. We didn’t actually see Benny die in purgatory so I think it will be easy to bring him back. It will be interesting to see how he returns. Death is also coming back, I wonder if there is a connection between Benny and Death? Now there’s a thought. This has been an interesting thread and have enjoyed this 🙂

      Thanks for the comments,
      Love Aunty B xxxx


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